I am not sure why I am not seeing the issue with a simple extract program... but I am at a loss at this point.
We have an extract file being produced as a 250 byte fixed length file. There are 3 record types... a typical Header, Detail and Trailer record. Each record must be delimited by CR/LF characters.
The logic writes the records to an intermediate sequential file and then at the end of the job it is reformatted by a cnvexp -f filename 250 command to append the CR/LF characters at the end of each line. This is all working fine and the issue comes when the bank complains about the file having a blank line after the trailer record.
In looking at the extract record, the only place this occurs at is following the trailer record. You can see this on the screen image below. I would expect to see the "0D0A" as the last character and nothing following that. Whatever that character is, it is position 251 of that record, so it appears this one position is being carried over to the next line, which should not exist. The work def has all files set at 250 bytes.
Anyone have any ideas?
Here is another view of the extract file using the Unix hd command
i have run into this with several vendors over the years. We also had to run the file through a script to remove that last line.
0001bd40: 20 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 30 20 20 20 20 20 SXXXXXXXXX