I have a question about the Employee Drill Around Info window on the Direct Reports screen in Manager Self Service.
The Employee Drill Around Info icon loads another window which I can manipulate the characteristics here: manager.htm inside function drillwind(id) for scroll bar, etc.
But how do I delete or comment out the links from that window? My HR dept needs several links hidden or taken out.
At webappjs/drillTOhtml.xsl this section should do it but I cant find a list.....
function initDrill(webappjsUrl, theme) { if (theme && (theme.toString().toLowerCase() == "9" || theme.toString().toLowerCase() == "lds")) { styler = new StylerBase(); styler.showLDS = true; webappjsUrl = (webappjsUrl) ? webappjsUrl : "/lawson/webappjs"; StylerBase.webappjsURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + webappjsUrl; styler.loadCssFile(window, webappjsUrl + "/lds/css/base/linkElement.css"); styler.loadCssFile(window, webappjsUrl + "/lds/css/base/tableListElement.css"); // look for all "list" elements var listElements = styler.getLikeElements(window, "table", "styler", "list"); var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < listElements.length; i++) { if (listElements.className != "listStyler") { styler.processListElement(window, listElements); } } } document.body.style.visibility = "visible"; }