Program Detail File Is Already Open - error

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    User ran a custom program and the job aborted with this error message.  It's a Microfocus Error - 

    Processing BI625 - COMPARE LAWSON TO SMS CDM
                    Program Detail File Is Already Open
                    Bad File Status 4 2 On File BI623UPD-FILE

    Initially the user submitted this job before the previous job in the sequence was completed so the file was locked up by the previous job.  We deleted the job that had this error and the user went back in and reran the job.  No matter what we do - we cannot clear this error message.  The program that is aborting doesn't do an awful lot - it mostly sorts a couple of files (one of them is the file that is throwing the error) and generates reports.

    I have been googling this MF Cobol error and have had no luck figuring out exactly what is causing it.

    I'd appreciate any input or suggestions.  I doubt Infor support is going to help because it is a custom program - but the error itself is from Microfocus so I'm hoping that might give us some leverage to get some direction.




    Ragu Raghavan
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 473
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      can you go to the command line or explorer and delete/move this file BI623UPD-FILE and try recovering?