Publish Non-Lawson Report to Print Manager?

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Kyle Jorgensen
Veteran Member
Posts: 122
Veteran Member
    Is it possible to 'publish' a non-Lawson text file to a user's Print Manger?
    Specifically, we have a 'batch-like' process flow that creates a print file and an error file.
    I know we can email users the reports from process flow, but it would be nice if the reports could be displayed/accessed through the user's print managers.
    Kwane McNeal
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 479
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      Kyle, look at loadrpts in GENDIR/bin on LSF. This should do what you're looking for.
      Greg Moeller
      Veteran Member
      Posts: 1498
      Veteran Member
        Yes! We do this all the time here.
        copy the file into the standard prtmgr directory structure, then ---
        loadrpts -s dir -p prodline
        Kyle Jorgensen
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 122
        Veteran Member
          When you say "copy the file into the standard prtmgr directory structure", since the report isn't from a 4GL program...where exactly do you copy it to?
          Is the "-s dir" directory the fully qualified directory path for where you copy the file to?
          Greg Moeller
          Veteran Member
          Posts: 1498
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            Kyle: I think I'd just make up a path, but the -s option tells it to look in the $LAWDIR/print directory structure...
            So, you'd have to make up something there. If, it were me, I'd come up with a generic user id, and a bogus "job" name to copy it to, the same as what a currently working Infor/Lawson job does.
            Then you could conceivably run loadrpts with even more options:
            loadrpts -s -u genericuser bogusjobname -p prodline --- that way isolating it to just look in one spot.
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