User exit on HR14

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we have written a begin user exit for HR14 to avoid the users from adding any new payrates for some pay codes, we want the users to use our custom forms to make any changes to pay rates. This works fine in LID, for some reason the user exit is never triggered from portal. we are on 803 env and 810 apps on a windows server.  Is it possible to animate a program from portal? i have never done it before. Any info on this would be very helpful. Thanks

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Portal is a presentation layer, while you can add functionality with Design Studio on forms displayed in Portal, it does not remove any functionality from how a form behaves in LID. Even if you could animate a LID program from Portal it would not show any result different than from within LID. What may be different from LID and Portal is security setup for the pay fields.
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Thanks for the quick response Gary, i do understand that design studio can be used to add functionality to forms in portal but i am kind of curious to know why portal and LID would exhibit diff behaviour for the same code, clearly there are not taking the same path thats why i wanted to know if we could animate using portal. I wanted to debug the code line by line and find out  the path that LID and portal is using.
Ragu Raghavan
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After you tested the user exit in LID, did you do a IOSCacheRefresh ? I find that necessary sometimes for the LID changes to become visible in Portal.
John Henley
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Another thing to do is 'tmcontrol -rp HR14' which will reload HR14 into memory. Depending on how long ago you added your user exit and were doing your testing in Portal, LATM may be using an old (pre-user-exit) copy of HR14.
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John Henley
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It is possible to debug programs (including user exits) that are run via portal. You need to start the ladebug server (setting the $LAWDIR/system/ladebug.cfg ENABLEDBG parameter to TRUE and running startladebug). You then compile HR14 and HR14B with -D and start the debugger/animator. When a Portal session executes HR14 your debugger session should catch it, and you can walk thru the program. It's, of course, easier said than done, but it is possible.
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Thanks John and Ragu,    1. I did run the IOSCacheRefresh, that was the first thing i tried. 2. i have tried the tmmon solution, i tried it on multiple productlines just to make sure it was not executing the same program loaded in the memory. It was still behaving the same way I am able to animate it using lapm, i used the same method to animate it in portal as you have mentioned John but it does not catch the portal session, its able to catch the LID session. Thats why i was wondering if the method to animate from portal was different. Would the display statments work in online programs? because that does not seem to be working on online forms either. I am struck and i am not sure how to troubleshoot this further.
John Henley
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Did you try the ladebug server? Display statements (and/or compiling in -T trace mode) are an option; they will write to the lapm.* files in $LAWDIR/system/joblog
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Yes, ladebug is running. I did not compile it using the trace option, i only compiled it using -d option. Will try the trace and update you. Thanks
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I think display statement are written to the job log only if its a batch program. correct me if i am wrong there is no log for online programs.
John Henley
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For debug, are you using -D [good] or -d [bad]?
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Sorry it was typo in the previous comment, i am using -D. It would throw a syntax error if i use -d.
Ben Coonfield
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Balaji , Actually there is a "job log" for online programs too.  It can easily be unnoticed because it is usually empty, and it is deleted automatically and quickly.  You can see one for sessions that are still in progress and occasionally it contains a useful error message. 
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Thanks Ben, i noticed after i compiled it with trace option as per John's suggestion. lapm logs disappear when i close the lapm session but  portal is using the same process pts.exe which will not go down until we shut down rmi server, those logs did have the DISPLAY messages, only problem is it is only confirming my understanding that portal is not triggering the user exit. i had a DISPLAY message in the first line of user exit and the last line of the user exit, when i run it from LID these message alone shows in the log but when i run it from portal these message dont show up, it shows all the other display messages that i have in the code.
John Henley
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Put these DISPLAY statements in your program at the top of the 400-PROCESS-TRAN paragragh: DISPLAY "WS-BEG-UE-PGM: " WS-BEG-UE-PGM. DISPLAY "WS-BEG-UE-FOUND: " WS-BEG-UE-FOUND.
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This is from portal hr14 form WS-BEG-UE-PGM: D:\LINTE\APPS/test2/usrobj/HR14B WS-BEG-UE-FOUND: Y This is from LID *****  HR14 EXIT ROUTINE  ***** *****  HR14 EXIT END  ***** WS-BEG-UE-PGM: D:\LINTE\APPS/test2/usrobj/HR14B WS-BEG-UE-FOUND: Y
John Henley
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Well, that's least your user exit is recognized in HR14. ;)
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What do you make of this situation. I still cannot understand why portal would not execute this user exit.
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Well it is definetly progress, but i still cannot understand why portal would not execute that user exit. As you could see from the DISPLAY messages clearly LID gets in to the exit routine but portal does not. I am still troubleshooting this. I will let you guys know if i find something.
John Henley
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What is your user exit doing? When you put the DISPLAY messages in there...where did you put them? If you want to attached a copy of HR14BPD, I can look at it.
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Here is the HR14 user exit that we have in place.        HR14BS1-TRANSACTION    SECTION.        HR14BS1-START.

           DISPLAY "*****  HR14 EXIT ROUTINE  *****  ".                       PERFORM            VARYING I1 FROM 1 BY 1              UNTIL (I1 > 14)                 OR (CRT-ERROR-NBR NOT = ZEROES)                IF (HR14F1-LINE-FC (I1) = "A")                    IF    (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1)     > "599")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1)     < "700")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "630")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "631")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "632")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "633")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "634")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "635")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "630C")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "631C")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "632C")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "633C")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "634C")                      AND (HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE (I1) NOT = "635C")                        MOVE 900        TO CRT-ERROR-NBR                        MOVE HR14F1-PRR-PAY-CODE-FN (I1)                                        TO CRT-FIELD-NBR                    END-IF                END-IF            END-PERFORM.            DISPLAY "*****  HR14 EXIT END  *****  ".


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I think i have found out why user exit is not getting triggered, i am researching to why incorrect values are comming thru from portal. This is from the cbl file CALL WS-BEG-UE-PGM USING CRT-CONTROL, 000638                                  CRT-TRANSACTION      IF CRT-TRANSACTION(1:6) = "HR14.1" 000646         MOVE "HR14B.1" TO CRT-TOKEN 000647         PERFORM HR14BS1-TRANSACTION 000648         GO TO SP-CONTINUE. user exit is triggered only when CRT-TRANSACTION's first 6 charecters in HR14.1 but portal is sending this as HR14.2. when i execute it from LID it is sending it as HR14.1. This is the reason why user exit is not triggered from portal.
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I have found out the root cause of the issue, this is because of a coding mistake in HR14.scr, i beleive. you can see the entry for HR14.2 below, thats why user exit is not getting triggered from portal, i beleive ags is using this feild. It baffles me as to why someone would have HR14.2 there particularly when no such form exists. ******* HR14.scr 5 <158480073> ******************************************************************************* *                            SCREEN   HR14  (1) ******************************************************************************* $FORM      HR141    S $KEYFCS    C $DATAFCS   AC $ADDFCS    A $DELFCS $LREQFCS   AC $LDATAFCS  AC $LADDFCS   A $FCPAIRS   AA,CA,CC,CD $LINEDUPS $TITLE $ROW       8 *        1    1    2    2    3    3    4    4    5    5    6    6    7    7   7 *...5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5...9 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SCREEN    HR141    S +HR14.2][ ]               ?Alternate Pay Rates                  +0000]

|   Employee:;         :                                                 ;

                       ^Proc ]                          ^Pay  ^Effective^End ] |FC|    Pay Rate |Curr |Level|Dept |Position  |Job Code |Code |Date     |Date]

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Appreciate  all your responses, if you guys had not told me about the DISPLAY statement in the logs i am pretty sure i would not have figured this out. Really good forum.
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I need one more help, can someone who has 81 apps and 90 apps confirm that it has the same HR14.scr file with reference to HR14.2 in it. Thanks
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