I uploaded an AP520 with Update=Y in error (in a dev environment). Is there a way to mass delete all these records? Thanks for any assistance--not finding anything documented in Lawson KB.
Yes, I did it in a development prodline. As far as I have learned, there is no mass delete for AP conversion similar to GL. I went through the AP data text pdf file and looked for anything updated by AP520, browsed the data with SQL Server and wrote some delete statements. Very ugly but I'm glad I went through it in a dev environment. This is our first AP conversion. I'm now working in another prodline (incidentally) and am careful to make UPDATE=N. I'm getting an error "Problemist accounting unit and account required". The accounting unit, account and sub-account exist--verified with GL20. Not sure what the issue could be...
Found answer. After you run AP520, if you want to do again, I'm deleting (with SQL Server) the records for this company in APCDISTRIB and APCINVOICE. I didn't get all the records in APCDISTRIB deleted and it had two records for this one entry. Onward...