Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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IPA File Transfer Nodes    

Started By  Bob Canham
We are working on moving from ProcessFlow to Process Automation and one of the new nodes I'm trying to find out more about is the File Transfer node.  We have several flows that use a file that is generated remotely.  Right now we have a script that runs on AIX to transfer the file. My main issue is that is seems like there aren't any options to delete the source file after transfer.  Has someone else done this or is that a limitation of the node
6 8059 1
by  mikePJump to last post
11/30/2015 9:50 PM

How is the File Activity connection configured?    

Started By  mikeP
New to IPA and trying to configure a File Activity connection.  We are trying to access files that were fairly simple to access in Process Flow using the LAWDIR variable. Now, with IPA running on a Landmark server and pointing to our Lawson server, LAWDIR is not defined, and it appears I need to define it in a File Activity connection.  If someone can post the format of these entries, it would be a great help.  E.g., I don't know if I should use the full domain name of the Lawson server, and i...
6 5852 2
by  Lance JurgensenJump to last post
1/21/2016 4:51 PM

Workflow Tables    

Started By  ALB
We have several Process Flows with DME calls to workflow tables.  When they are converted to IPA, the majority of these nodes not converted at all or partially converted if there were references to other tables.  All the calls accessing WFWORKUNIT converted to PfiWorkunit; however any references to WFVARIABLE fields did not convert.  All the calls accessing WFMSGDTL did not convert at all.  Is there a KB or documentation to help with trying to find the equivalent tables and relationships
7 4980 2
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
11/16/2015 12:24 PM

Comparing dates in IPA - PfiWorkUnit StartDate    

Started By  Preston Burdwell
I have a simple flow where I am trying to find all Failed workunits from a previous day using StartDate within Landmark Node, PfiWorkunit object. I don't seem to be able to get the correct formatting to lookup a calculated variable on the Start Node, [ie: today1 = getDateAGS(AddDay(today(),-1))] and compare to PfiWorkunit Object in the Landmark Node [ie: StartDate > & ]. Any suggestions Thanks!!
3 5851 2
by  Preston BurdwellJump to last post
10/19/2015 3:25 PM

Shipment Backordered or Voided    

Started By  JonA
There's a PF service called 'Shpmt BkordVoid' that is supposed to notify someone that a shipment line has been backordered or voided in WH30.2, WH31.2 or WH32.2. Does this work for RQ system orders  I don't recognize many of the variables listed in the ProcessFlow Reference Guide so I'm guessing the service is geared for retail or manufacturing. COR_BILL_NAME COR_CUSTOMER COR_OPR_CODE COR_ORDER_DATE COR_ORDER_NBR COR_ORDER_TYPE COR_SHIP_TO COR_SHIP_TO_NAME OEC_NAME OTP_DESCRIPTION WH...
2 3488 0
by  Kat VJump to last post
10/28/2015 2:29 PM

Landmark for IPA on UNIX or Windows?    

Started By  Deleted User
For UNIX customers whose only Landmark application is IPA - are you installing Landmark/IPA on UNIX or Windows  I realize the recommendation is Windows, but we keep hearing that UNIX customers who don't have any other Landmark applications can install it on UNIX.  Keeping IPA on UNIX reduces the conversion effort due to the command nodes, UNIX scripts, FTP's, and file source/targets. I'd like to know what other similar customers are doing.    Thanks!
0 3431 1
10/22/2015 2:22 PM

PF DESIGNER - Error adding new variables in flow    

Started By  Scooter
Using PF Designer 9.0.1, cannot add new variable on START node.  Get error messages.  I'll attach error message screenprints.
4 3359 1
by  ScooterJump to last post
10/23/2015 2:03 PM

Process Flow to report on actions the day they are entered    

Started By  Joe Hartney
A limitation to the PERSACTION table in Lawson that I continue to struggle with is that it does not contain a date stamp for the day the action was entered.   I would like to be able to use the date stamp to report on all TERM actions that are entered each day.  Our personnel actions can be entered via PA52 or Manager Self-Service and can sit on PA52 for days or even weeks depending on the effective date.  TERM actions can also be entered after the fact, i.e., days after the actual effective dat...
3693 1
by  Joe HartneyJump to last post
10/29/2015 7:01 PM

Missing Inbasket Work Item    

Started By  DB3
When an approver has multiple tasks (i.e. Contracts & Fund Owner) and has a transaction to approve in the fund owner, no work will display for the inbasket because Contracts is blank. If Fund Owner were the only task, work would be displayed.  Has anyone ever experienced this issue
0 3343 0
10/29/2015 6:39 PM

IPA Equivalent of PFI List Message    

Started By  ALB
We converted our PFIs to IPA.  We are looking for where the List Message information went.  From the screens, I do not see it.  When I look at the LPD files, it looks like it is there.  I am not sure it is converted.  If it was not converted, my best guess is that it should be on the Display > Desktop tab.
8 4359 2
by  ALBJump to last post
12/1/2015 2:01 PM

Sort File    

Started By  ALB
We have a file which has multiple tables as its source.  It is not a matter of adding the index.  I realize we could insert the data in a non-Lawson table and then sort the output or create 2 files in the order we want and then merge them.  Is there another option without being reliant upon the OS
1 2916 0
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
11/4/2015 12:53 PM

IPA File Receiver Status Question    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
Can anyone confirm my educated guess for the translated values for the 'Status' column in the 'PFIRECEIVER' table in Landmark 1=Activating 2=Active 3=Activate Failed 4=Deactivating 5=Inactive 6=Deactivate Failed 7=Active with Issue 8=Failed   Assuming those translations are correct, we'd like to create a flow that monitors that table to look for any receiver with a status of 3, 6, 7 or 8.
3 3490 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
11/13/2015 8:45 PM

PFI to IPA - WFMSGDTL query string was not convertible    

Started By  DavidV
This is the WFMSGDTL to PFIMESSAGE issue when migrating flows from PFI to IPA.  I understand that WFMSGDTL is now PFIMESSAGE and/or S$PFIME, but I'm having trouble getting rid of the 'Some or all of the transaction / query string was not convertible'  I've rebuilt the transaction string as described below but still have the query string error and can't get rid of it.  Is there something wrong with the landmark query is generated  Or do I need to change it to a SQL query and join PFIMESSAGE and ...
9 5573 2
by  DavidVJump to last post
11/17/2015 8:14 PM

IPA Inbasket    

Started By  rmiller
Is there a way to set the default number of work units to display in the IPA inbasket You can select from a drop down but it always resets.
0 3777 0
11/17/2015 6:23 PM

ProcessFlow Server SQL configuration    

Started By  jamesraceson
I’ve been successfully working with ProcessFlow for many years; arguably one of the best interface/processing tools I have ever used.  Recently we have been trying to use the SQL Query node to grab data from other database systems (other than our Infor Lawson one).  Once you get the correct “lock and key” set up between drivers, permissions, and server access it works great.  Currently we have been using the SQL node with JDBC thin client for only Oracle databases.  We now want to use the SQL no...
10 4332 0
by  jamesracesonJump to last post
12/10/2015 12:37 PM

Combining records from a file    

Started By  Bob Canham
I'm modifying a flow we use to import 401k benefit changes from our vendor.  We are changing to allow for after-tax Roth contributions on our 401k plan.  The vendor is going to send us 2 lines per person on a file, one for pre-tax 401k and one for after-tax roth.  These then get combined into a single benefit plan on BN32.  I've been writing the flow to accumulate variables while the employee number stays the same, however, I'm having a hard time figuring out how to handle the final record.  The...
9 3943 1
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
12/1/2015 8:52 PM

Designer caching input file?    

Started By  Bob Canham
I'm working on a flow that imports data from a text file.  While developing, I have been working locally in the designer (IPD 10.0.4 cu19).  The strange thing I'm seeing is that it seems the designer is working off a cached copy of the file.  If I put a File Access node to read the input file at the beginning of the flow, it doesn't match the contents of the file if I open it from my local filesystem.  I just got a new laptop, but I don't remember this happening in the past with the same designe...
3 3787 1
by  Tim CochraneJump to last post
11/25/2015 11:27 AM

Link employee to an agent    

Started By  JimY
Hello,      Does anybody have an example of querying the Agent Business Class based on the KeyText value  I can't seem to get anywhere.  Also,  I am trying to figure out how to link an employee to an agent and am not getting anywhere.  We are on Landmark  Thank you.
4 3388 1
by  JimYJump to last post
12/15/2015 3:48 PM

Scheduling a ProcessFlow    

Started By  Vijay S
Its been a while since I worked on Processflows. I have designed a flow using Process flow integrator which runs a custom program and FTP's the file to a different server. The flow is working fine from the designer and I am able to see the workunit and even I am getting emails (which are defined in the flow). I uploaded the flow to the server and scheduled the same using PF scheduler at a frequency of  once a day. At the same time defined it in 'Flow Definition' in PF administration Tool on Port...
2 3345 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
12/23/2015 1:49 PM

Lawson ProcessFlow instructor    

Started By  RickyY
I'm trying to get into a ProcessFlow training course at Lawson. Is there any recommend instructor. Any advice is much appreciated. Ricky
2 3305 1
by  pbelskyJump to last post
1/14/2016 8:17 PM

Lawson Resource Query node - serviceName attribute    

Started By  timbomom
Hello, I have a Lawson resource query node the queries the employee on the service TEST_EMPLOYEE with this code and it works. ]]> I want to change it so that the serviceName is a variable so the flow can move easily between the test and prod systems.  In the production system, the service is called PROD_EMPLOYEE.  I created a variable called EmpService to hold either TEST_EMPLOYEE or PROD_EMPLOYEE.  When I tried to do a variable substation in the node such as: serviceName = '', I get the mes...
5 3674 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
12/31/2015 7:43 PM

Binary Fields and Sql Query's in Flows    

Started By  JimY
I am using the following Sql query in a flow.  The Agent field is binary and instead of getting a binary value I am getting something like this: Ap'7 .  If I run this in Sql Manager I get the correct value.  Is there something I need to do in process automation to get the correct value.  Our Landmark version is  Thank you, SELECT [AGENT]              ,[BORBUSINESSCLASSNAME]            ,[KEYTEXT]        FROM [ltmtest].[AGENT]   where KEYTEXT = '1000, 11113985'
6 3461 1
by  JimYJump to last post
1/22/2016 12:21 PM

combining data from 2 csv files    

Started By  adnan512
Hello all. I am trying to read two csv files and output a 3rd csv file with fields from fileA and fileB. Both files have a common key (ad username).  I am reading FileA through data iterator node storing the key field and I have a 2nd data iterator node to read the 2nd file to find the records based on the key filed. I am running into a problem when next record is read... data iterator for 2nd file does not start from the beginning instead it reads the following records from the previous loop....
3 3477 3
by  Terry PJump to last post
1/26/2016 3:07 PM

IPA - Updating Action Tags in GHR    

Started By  Katie
I have created a custom flow for the Terminate action in GHR.  I am using the standard Terminate action to trigger this custom flow (Term Pending action) and an Employee update within the flow after the Term Pending approval/update to act as the Term Final action.  It isn't adding the HRTerminate action tag (to the Term Pending or Term Final action) like the standard flow does.  We would like it to be on the Employee update, and I have tried passing it with the other action fields (Employee_acti...
6 4148 3
by  KatieJump to last post
2/4/2016 10:24 PM

Using the For Each activity node with a multidimensional array as input    

Started By  agersh
I have a multidimensional array declared in my Start node named “arrOwesMoney”.   Using the following Assign node JavaScript expression to fill the array,      arrOwesMoney.push(                                       {Contact: '',                                        EID: '',                                        EmpName: '',                                        Position: '',                                        TermDate: '',                                        Type: '',...
2 4434 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
2/9/2016 4:16 PM
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