1st of month following 30 days...

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Shane Jones
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    I am trying to use processflow to create a date based on the associate's hire date....   Any suggestions on how I can calculate the first of the month following 30 days?

    I tried adding 30 days to hire date but then It still needs to figure the first of the next month ...   Right now I can not get a month formula to even calculate the month format correctly?

    HIRED = query_DATE_HIRED

    pfHIRED = pfDate(HIRED,'mm/dd/yyyy')

    plus30 = AddDay(pfHIRED, 30)

    MONTH = getMonth(plus30)

    I ALMOST HAD IT .... but now I am having problems because the month of shows as 5 instead of 05  ....   (2008515 and I need 20080515)   I just need to force a leading 0





    Shane Jones
    Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
    Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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    Shane Jones
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      I have a flow that is ALMOST working but it is UGLY......

      HIRED = I am pulling the DME formatted Date_Hired
      PFHIRED = Converting HIRED to a pfDate string
      PLUS30 = Adding 30 days to the PFHIRED
      MONTH = Pulling the Month number from PLUS30 (seems to pull a number that is one less than what I want ?)
      DAY = Pulling the Date (Day) from PLUS30
      YEAR = Pulling the Year from PLUS30

      Using a Branch I look at the following:

      Day = 1 then it is the first of the next month (Use PLUS30 date as it is converted to AGSDATE = yyyymmdd)
      MONTH = 12 then it is December and the next first of a month is ( (YEAR+1)+"0101" )
      MONTH <10 then I need to pad a 0 to the month ( YEAR + "0" + (MONTH+1) + "01" )
      TRUE Convert for months 10 and 11 ( YEAR + (MONTH+1) + "01" )

      Still looking for some ideas... there has to be an easier way to do this?
      Shane Jones
      Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
      Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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      Shane Jones
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        Feel like I am talking to myself....

        Any thoughts on why getMonth() would pull a number that is one less than the month from the date being used? Seems strange?

        Shane Jones
        Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
        Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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        John Henley
        Posts: 3353
          Sometimes the best answers I get are when I talk to myself...
          I will see if I can dig up some code for you that is cleaner, but I won't be able to do it until tomorrow....if you can't wait, let me know.
          Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
          Veteran Member
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            Here is what I get
            Date Hired 4/17/08

            HIRED = 4/17/08
            pfHired = 04/17/2008
            plus30 = 05/17/2008
            MONTH = 5

            If you are looking for "the first of the month after 30 days", then you need to add this after MONTH:

            First = MONTH + 1
            FirstMonth = format(First, "00") [this is Access programming, use appropriate code for your system]
            FirstDate = FirstMonth & "/01/" & Year(plus30)

            Shane Jones
            Veteran Member
            Posts: 460
            Veteran Member

              Thanks for your response. I am adding one to the month when I convert the date - however my issue is that I am getting this:

              HIRED = 4/17/08
              pfHired = 04/17/2008
              plus30 = 05/17/2008
              MONTH = 4

              I added two to the month but that seems strange and I am not sure if it will be consistent???

              Shane Jones
              Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
              Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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              John Henley
              Posts: 3353
                Hi Shane, I wasn't able to find an exact function to fit your needs, however I can tell you this:
                - Javascript .getMonth() function returns 0 to 11, not 1 to 12, so "4" means "fifth" month.
                - I also have had to use a left-zero-padding code like this:
                // the month is zero based and is one less then it actually is
                nMonth = d.getMonth()+1
                // if the month is less then 10 insert a zero in front of the number
                sMonth = "0"+nMonth.toString();
                sMonth = nMonth.toString();
                Thanks for using the LawsonGuru.com forums!
                Shane Jones
                Veteran Member
                Posts: 460
                Veteran Member

                  Your code is much cleaner for padding the zero. I really thought it was strange that the method getMonth() was one less than I wanted - that makes a lot more sense now.

                  Shane Jones
                  Tools: HR, Payroll, Benefits, PFI, Smart Office, BSI, Portal and Self-Service
                  Systems: Lawson, Open Hire, Kronos, Crystal Reporting, SumTotal Learning
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