Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Processflow AGS Node    

Started By  klippe
I am attempting to execute an AP16 (Vendor Bank) AGS call when the Vendor Bank Identification changes and it is failing.  I determined the AP16 has logic built in that requires an Inquiry first, before the Change can be saved.  How would I do this in Processflow using the AGS Node Any help would be appreciated!  Thanks. Here is the AGS call:   AGS Call: _PDL=DEV&_TKN=AP16.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=Change&VEN-VENDOR-GROUP=1&VEN-VENDOR=4995&VEN-BANK-ENTITY=053000111&VE...
10 5631 3
by  KhuliJump to last post
6/4/2013 11:36 AM

Using transaction node to update PR13.1    

Started By  steveh
Hi all, I'm trying to update PR13.1 with a transaction node but am running into issues.  I need to update the RES-CODE field for certain deduction codes, however the transaction is expecting the exact line number (r0,r1,r2,etc)... I dont have those... All I have is data from a query that gives the employee, deduction, and company and I know that everybody in the list for that deduction needs the res code flipped to N.  Does anybody have a work around here  I have been unsuccessful finding anoth...
1 3535 0
by  Terry PJump to last post
5/14/2013 10:11 PM

Is Java 1.7 okay with PFI    

Started By  Deleted User
For other applications we would like to upgrade our Java client from 1.6 to 1.7. The PFI installation document for refers to Java 1.6. The compatibility matrix shows Java 1.6 minimums. Infor/Lawson says they are still using 1.6. Is anyone using 1.7 with ProcessFlow 9.0.1
4 3279 1
by  Kyle JorgensenJump to last post
5/14/2013 8:00 PM

Result Variables for a User Action    

Started By  ajn
I have a flow that uses a User Action, does some processing then loops back to the User Action.  The flow can go back to this same user action up to four times.  The User Action contains a variable for the user that the “request for approval” will be sent to along with a variable for the next level approver if the node times out.  The first thing out of the flow I am trying to determine is which of the two users made the approval.  There are variables that come out of the user action, one of whi...
13 3802 2
by  ajnJump to last post
6/26/2013 12:51 PM

calling a web service in ProcessFlow Integrator    

Started By  Gary M.
Hi, We have an enterprise workflow automation tool that can call a web service and that our upper management wants us to use .Is it possible to install ProcessFlow Integrator to enable web services that can be used by our enterprise workflow automation tool rather than the workflow that is part of processflow integrator Thanks, Gary
1 3208 1
by  Kyle JorgensenJump to last post
5/14/2013 7:58 PM

Custom Javascript Functions in ProcessFlow    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
What's the best way of using a file with custom javascript functions in ProcessFlow I know I can add to the provided 'pflow.js', but I'd rather not alter delivered code. Is there some javascript expressions I can use inside an 'Assign' node so that it will read my custom functions file I found a few solutions using Google, but they rely on the browser's DOM...which doesn't appear available in ProcessFlow.
9 5788 3
by  George GrahamJump to last post
7/18/2013 2:50 AM

Corrupt workbench.xml File for Eclipse Designer    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
Has anyone else experienced a recurring problem I have with my Eclipsed based 9.0.1.x designer client For reasons I haven't been able to figure out, occasionally my designer client will not launch. I get the screen to authenticate; I provide my credentials; it looks like the app will launch...and then nothing.  The app doesn't launch, no residual processes running, etc. With help from GSC (yes, that long ago) I've been able to narrow down that the problem deals with a corrupt 'workbench....
6 3747 0
by  jlv6000Jump to last post
7/16/2013 6:12 PM

Missing FUNC parameter when runing a job (cgi-lawson/jobrun.exe) via AGS Call    

Started By  dd3mp
Hi, I have the below set of codes in VB6 to submit a Lawson job via AGS call and I'm getting a 'Missing FUNC parameter' error after the SEND command. The command runs successfully if entered in IE. Any ideas Thanks. Code: Dim MyHttpRequest As New WinHttpRequest strHttpPR134_Run = '/cgi-lawson/jobrun.exeFUNC=RUN&USER=dannyp&JOB=PR134-POS&OUT=XML'>https:///cgi-lawson/jobrun.exeFUNC=RUN&USER=dannyp&JOB=PR134-POS&OUT=XML' MyHttpRequest.Open 'POST', strHttpPR134_Run, False MyHttpReques...
0 6107 1
5/20/2013 5:17 PM

Process Flow Version Number    

Started By  Jeff Pratte
Is there a Process Flow variable I can include in my User Node and other emails that will display the current version number of the process flow Thanks, Jeff
9 4795 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/24/2013 3:04 PM

Action pending in BPM server    

Started By  Dave Haskins
Anyone got any ideas We are thinking a records has not been craeted somewhere in workunit metrics task or workunit metrics summary The Workunit Metrics table has beenn updated with the user action and work unit queue show staus 3 = Action pending in BMP server Any idea how to get these moving Regards Dave Background :- Lawson 9.0.1 running on Windows with SQLServer on separate server... We encountered BPM issues after rebooting the Lawson server...... This ap...
0 3372 0
5/24/2013 1:13 PM

Workunit Folder for WorkObject    

Started By  cBreeze
I have a Requisition approval PF. This creates a Work Unit. (And a Work Folder for that unit- that can be seen in PF admin linked to RQ10) If it is a specific type of req (by Vendor), I go to a Work Object and call the 2nd PF. This creates another Work Unit, but not a Work Folder record. I pass almost all of the variable in the workObject and they show up in the wu.log. Just not creating Work Unit folder linking to 2nd Flow. (Would like to have the user be able to drill to RQ10 from Inbas...
3 3036 1
by  JonAJump to last post
5/29/2013 5:27 PM

Best way to learn Process Flow    

Started By  Mary Porter
Is the Lawson training the best way to learn process flow Are there other ways that process flow training is delivered My organization doesn't have a training budget but I need to learn process flow and I'm willing to pay for the training myself. I would just like to use my $$ wisely and get the best training available. I appreciate any comments and suggestions.
5 6981 1
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
6/3/2013 4:54 PM

LPD - Event Hub - LTM/Landmark    

Started By  Michael
Hello, we are trying to trigger a Process Flow off of changes to supervisor status in the Work Assignment in LTM - specifically 'Assignment is Supervisor' - so that security roles can be assigned/revoked via a Process Flow. We don't want to have to touch every 'out of the box' process flow that Lawson provides that makes changes to the Work Assignment.  I've been reading about Event Hub and how to trigger events off of changes to database tables like the WORKASSIGNMENT table but can't find any s...
3 4274 1
by  MichaelJump to last post
6/27/2013 7:20 PM

Required 'Empty' Record in QUEUEDJOB?    

Started By  Kyle Jorgensen
Is an 'empty' record required in the QUEUEDJOB table in GEN I'm creating a flow that will read this table and pro-actively notify users of jobs in their waiting queue. While testing, I found that all 3 of our environments have an 'empty' record in this table. That is to say the USERNAME, JOBNAME, TOKEN and PRODUCTLINE columns are spaces, the ACTSTARTDATE = '9999-08-03' and the ACTSTARTTIME = '12.34.56'. The curious thing is that this EXACT record exists in all of our environments. I ...
2 3095 0
by  Kyle JorgensenJump to last post
6/11/2013 5:22 PM

LPA JDBC\DB2Connect to Mainframe DB2    

Started By  Erin
We have LPA Designer version (2012). I have JDBC drivers on my PC and also DB2Connect. However, no matter what I do the connection via JDBC\DB2Connect is not connecting so I can test my process flow. The DBA's assure me that JDBC and DB2Connect is set up correctly on my PC. Even when I move it up the Landmark server it does not connect. Driver I am using:  Database URL: jdbc:db2//db2connect_test.[my company].com:50001/DSNT Can anyone point me i...
6 3918 2
by  ErinJump to last post
7/12/2013 7:41 PM


Started By  Nancy
We are wanting to implement the lawson delivered REQAPPROVAL1 process flow and have no idea of how to go about it.  Is this flow triggered out of RQ10 and is the code already there or does something have to be added to it Will it also trigger if they are using RQC Is there a specific sevice definition, service variable defn, service criteria level defn and service process defn we need to use to make it work Basically if someone has been through this - I would appreciate all help ...
3 3603 0
by  cBreezeJump to last post
7/12/2013 11:15 AM

Landmark Trx Node MultipleRecordQuery    

Started By  Traci
I am using LPA 10.0.2 - Landmark Trx node to query the JobRequisition business class for multiple records.  Inside the trx node I have an assign node to format the results of the query then a file node to write the values from the assign node to a .csv file.  When I run the flow locally, the console shows the trx returning multiple results but the .csv file only has one row.  My assign node is a string variable which is the input for the file node.  How do I get all the query results written ...
2801 0
by  TraciJump to last post
6/25/2013 2:06 PM

Process Flow - AGS HR11 To delete a userfield    

Started By  timbomom
I can't find any samples on how to DELETE a userfield in Processflow with an AGS call.  I assume I need to use HR11 because I can't get PA52 with a personnel action to work.  Thanks in advance.
7 3641 0
by  timbomomJump to last post
6/26/2013 5:17 PM

LPA Calling Oracle Stored Procedure Issue    

Started By  Glenn Melvin
Hello, I'm getting the following error:: 'ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement' trying to call an Oracle Stored Procedure: Exec tcsx01.trunc_tcsx01_table('ORA_TABLE_NAME') via SQLTxn Node. LPA 2012-10-11 21:41:29 Connecting to the Oracle db via JDBC. Thanks.
3 4714 0
by  M GrahamJump to last post
7/22/2013 8:08 PM

LPA Version 10    

Started By  Erin
We are using LPA version 10 and when we are in designer we can watch it go through every node on the page (yes, it's that slow).  When inserting records, it takes 1.5 hours to insert 300 records. Does anyone have any insight as to what could cause this  Or anyone who is on version 10 and getting the speed of version 9 Thank you for any assistance.
15 4685 2
by  LynneJump to last post
7/15/2013 10:57 AM

Sending error logs to IT.    

Started By  Kenn
We are new to PF and are wondering what the best way to handle errors in flows is.  Obviously if an error occurs then there is an error code but what we would like to do is have  flow run, then kick off another flow that would check for an error log from the previous flow, and if that error log exist, email to our IT department. I don't think I can use a WorkObject node in the parent flow and pass the WorkUnit number to the child flow (although I did get the passing iof the WorkUnit to work) ...
4123 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/18/2013 1:58 PM

UserAction reminders and time-out in Hours or Days?    

Started By  Deleted User
Is there any reason to set UserAction and HRUserAction reminders and time-out periods using the DAYS option instead of HOURS  For example, instead of time-out in 10 DAYS, it would be 240 HOURS  I've been using hours in the Test flows and then updating each node when moving to Production to use days.  It would be easier just to leave them all as hours and use variables for the number of hours so that only the Start node needs to be changed.
1 2918 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
7/18/2013 11:26 AM

Web call to Landmark call (Variable Change in Landmark database)    

Started By  Shane Jones
I am trying to update a flow that ran in old process flow to the new IPA and there is a web call to update a field in the process flow database.   It was a Web Call and now it needs to be a Landmark transaction: It is currently a Web program: bpm/xml/ method=Change&workUnit=&variableName=New_Pay&sequenceNumber=11&variableValue= Anyone want to save me some time and toll me what the Landmark Transaction would be  I am thinking it is something like this: _dataA...
8 3966 2
by  WoozyJump to last post
7/22/2013 4:41 PM

Turning Off Process Flow Logging in LOGAN Database    

Started By  Chad Dirst
Due to a current bug in the process flow purge, I am wondering if there is a way to turn off work unit logging to the LOGAN database.  Specifically I am looking to turn the logging off only on specific flows.  The LOGAN tables I would like to see to written to are the WFACTIVITY and WFACTVAR. Thank you, Chad
0 3150 1
7/22/2013 12:42 PM

Clear MsgBuilder    

Started By  Thomas Varughese
I am developing a process flow that should send e-mail to employee with their contact information in PA12.1 (PAEMERGCNT). One employee can have many contact defined in PA12.1. I use a MsgBuilder to collect all the contact details of the employee and send it by e-mail. My problem is since the MsgBuilder doesn't clear the first employee contact shows in the next employee's e-mail aswell Is there a way to clear the MsgBuilder after the first employee record is finsh in the loop I a...
2 3198 0
by  Thomas VarugheseJump to last post
7/23/2013 6:49 PM
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