Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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JDBC Setup for SQL Server on Desktop Client    

Started By  Woozy
Hi All, I'm trying to use the SQL Query Node to hit an external SQL Server 2005 database, and I'm not having any success.  Whenever I click the 'build' button in the node properties, I get an error.  I've put the Microsoft JDBC driver (sqljdbc4.jar) in 'C:\Program Files\Lawson Software\ProcessFlow901\lib', and I've added ';.\lib\sqljdbc4.jar' to the Designer.bat classpath. Within the node, I've used the following settings:    Driver:    U...
24 20772 4
by  TBonneyJump to last post
10/11/2012 4:51 PM

Converting Dates    

Started By  KerriR
I have variables defined as datevar = Date datestringAGS = String   In an Assign node, I have added this javascript datevar= pfDate(qryAppInfo_BIRTHDATE,'yyyymmdd')   datestringAGS= getDateAGS(datevar)   Where qryAppInfo_BIRTHDATE is a date field from a table. When I run the flow, I get these errors:    Exception while evaluating expression: datevar= pfDate(qryAppInfo_BIRTHDATE,'yyyymmdd'); TypeError: Cannot find function substring. (threadScript119) Exception while evaluating expr...
7 7599 1
by  rogowskyJump to last post
12/7/2012 6:56 PM

Number of items displayed in the inbasket    

Started By  AG
We followed the article in the 'tips and tricks' section for setting the number of items in the inbasket. We applied the setting via the BPM menu however it has made no difference Do we need to restart the server/services or something We are on the AS400 on version 9.X.
6 3388 1
by  KatieJump to last post
9/13/2012 5:46 PM

Lawson Process Automation    

Started By  ALB
I have been trying to find information about Lawson Process Automation (LPA) without a great deal of success.  I would like to find out who is using it and what types of tasks have been accomplished with it. Thanks!
18 11139 5
by  M GrahamJump to last post
12/7/2012 11:14 PM

Process Flow Feedback    

Started By  BradF
My VP wants me to get some feedback on Process Flow and how it has benefited companies and easy of use. If you could let me know your experience with PFI it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Brad
4 3035 0
by  BradFJump to last post
8/24/2012 5:07 PM

CustomActivity node with a FlowRunner activity - How to pass information to the child flow?    

Started By  Jose Gonzo
I am developing a flow that uses a CustomActivity node with a FlowRunner activity to call another flow. The Action on the Custom Activity is runFlow. The issue I am having is that I haven't found a way to pass information from the Main flow to the Child flow. Any suggestions on how to do this I've tried to use the flowInputData property on the Input section of the CustomActivity on the main flow, but don't know how to read that property on the Child flow. Thanks for all your help. Have...
6 3639 0
by  Jose GonzoJump to last post
9/13/2012 1:01 PM

ARCUSTOMER trigger    

Started By  DougAB
we are interfacing our AR customers from our OMS system to Lawson.  We are looking for ways (from a Pflow concept, not a db concept) to identify when a customer record gets interfaced over from our OMS system to Lawson so that we won't resend it over again (conceding that there will be some fallouts from time to time). We tried adding a field on the db to indicate when a record made it to Lawson okay, but soon realized it takes too much time to query these while trying to run the importdb to ...
3 3155 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
9/13/2012 7:25 PM

A process flow request form?    

Started By  City of Nashua IT
Does anyone use a paper or e-form to allow your Lawson end-users to request a new process flow Looking for a form that could be distributed to end-users that would help them frame their process flow request and prompt them for key info to provide to the developer. Any help would be appreciated.
1 2972 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
10/9/2012 8:22 PM

Can you use Global Variables in a SQL query node?    

Started By  TBonney
Is it possible to use Global Procss Flow Variables within your SQL statement in a SQL query  (or update) node The syntax we use for SQL queries is db.schema.table, where the database name is actually the same as the global variable in the process flow. For example, I'd like to be able, within the query statement, to reference it as follows: appProdline.dbo.employee Does anyone know how to utilize (process flow) variables within the SQL statement in your quer ynodes (and, if so, what is the p...
17 5109 2
by  TBonneyJump to last post
10/12/2012 1:30 PM

Passing variables to a Process flow    

Started By  Ludy
I have a process flow (1) and in it, I need to trigger another process flow (2) and pass some variables for process flow 2 to use.  How do I do this
3 4182 1
by  LudyJump to last post
11/28/2012 8:38 PM

Eclipse Deisgner Behavior on Win7 64-bit    

Started By  Charlotte
I have searched the forum, but as yet have found nothing similiar. My issue is with the behavior of the Eclipse Designer tool on my Win7 pc. When I select Tools/Manage Flows, i can see and select the flows on my server, but the Upload button is missing and the dialog box cannot be stretched or expanded. Has anyone else seen this behavior or know of a fix
5 4108 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/26/2012 4:22 PM

flow hangs after useraction    

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
Does anybody know what this means After approval from a useraction node, I get this message: ' Action taken approve taken for user , More user Action awaiting for workunit dispatch'. and the flow just stops there. Thanks. Ragu
4 2785 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
11/5/2012 5:15 PM

Eclipse Designer – How to copy a component to the selected position on flow.    

Started By  Jose Gonzo
Do you know of a keyboard shortcut (or any other ‘trick&rsquo to ‘force’ the Eclipse Designer to Paste a component (Assign, Branch, etc.) to the selected position on a flow We have a flow that has grown quite a bit and when we copy and paste a component the Designer puts it on a ‘random’ position (usually at the top of the flow). Wondering if there is a way to force the Designer to do the Paste on the position where the mouse is on the flow. Thanks for all your help. Have a great day.
3 6083 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
11/14/2012 5:01 PM

WebRun - How to read the ErrNbr and ErrStat from the _result property?    

Started By  Jose Gonzo
How do you read the ErrNbr and ErrStat from the _result property of WebRun component Do you use a custom Javascript function Can you provide a sample flow The _result property of WebRun component is in XML format (sample below). The ErrMsg element contains the ErrNbr and ErrStat:   Sample _result property: ]]> Thanks for all your help. Have a great day.
5 3312 1
by  Jose GonzoJump to last post
11/21/2012 12:28 PM

How to call a flow from a .Net app?    

Started By  Jose Gonzo
Is it possible to call a flow from a .Net app If possible, how do you pass some vars to the flow A code sample will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for all your help. Happy Thanksgiving.
3 2863 1
by  Jose GonzoJump to last post
11/28/2012 12:08 PM

processflow services/trigger questions    

Started By  AJ
I have been spinning my wheels here for a while... How do I find out which service(s) are calling a particular processflow and what the associated Lawson form is where this is being initiated I have looked in and cannot seem to find out how a processflow is being 'kicked off'.  I would like to pull up the processflow and see what triggers/services are calling it. I would also like to know if it is possible to determine which field values have been changed on the form that initiat...
0 3585 1
11/21/2012 5:53 PM

Web Services Node w XML file that has many records to process    

Started By  Barb Regnier
First I will state I have not ever worked with XML files or the Web Service Node.   We need to build a process flow to take in the St. Croix Systems Purchase Requests XML file which will have many 'records' in it by using the Web Service.   We will then build a file that will be used to create requistions in RQ500.   How can I loop through the XML file/Web Service to get all the 'records'   We also have to turn around and send them back the PO information and this would also be a multi ...
5 3721 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
12/5/2012 5:25 PM

Using SysCommand Node to run loadrpts - User Needs To Be Assigned A Security Class Error    

Started By  agersh
I have a PF that runs a PA100 job “PA100RPT”.  After the job is completed, using the SysCommand node I am trying to execute the “loadrpts.exe” command (system utility) to load the print files in the PA100RPT print directory into the Print Manager in hopes that this step will allow the print files for this job to be accessible/viewable through the Print Manager.   When the SysCommand node executes the loadrpts command below the following error is returned “User Needs To Be Assigned A Security C...
6 4688 1
by  agershJump to last post
11/28/2012 8:23 PM

How to get workunit from PO    

Started By  Ludy
If the only data I have is a po_number and I want to find out the workunit associated with this, how do I go about it in Lawson ver 9 In the older version I just go to the Workunit file, DBWFWFW and search for the po_number in the work title to get the workunit. Thanks, Ludy
2 3073 1
by  LudyJump to last post
11/29/2012 1:03 PM

How to add BL20.4-Line Options to line 5 and above from a flow    

Started By  Jose Gonzo
How to add BL20.4-Line Options to line 5 and above from a flow We have a flow that adds BL20.4-Line Options to BL20.1-Invoice Entry. It works fine for the first 4 lines (page1) but we get an error for line 5 and above. Any suggestions why it is failing Call to add Options to line 3 (last line on page1). This call works: _PDL=ASGPROD90&_TKN=BL20.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=C&OEI-COMPANY=1&OEI-CUSTOMER=27370&OEI-INVC-PREFIX=T1&OEI-INVC-NUMBER=1514&OIL-LINE-NBRr3=4&LINE-FCr3=C&...
0 3958 1
12/3/2012 6:44 PM

In Basket - User Level Work    

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
I have some user's whose inbasket shows a user id under the 'user Level work' bookmark of the Inbasket (and a * when there are Workunits). For example: Task Level Work   HR Consultant User Level Work   empa_law9 * Others just show a blank (and a * when there are WU;s). Task Level Work   HR Consultant  User Level Work  * As far as I can tell the set up is the same in Resource Manager and the PF admin. What should I be checking for this inconsistency Thanks. Ragu
2 3422 0
by  Ragu RaghavanJump to last post
12/17/2012 1:24 PM

Reassigning oCatValue    

Started By  Lynne
I am using Process Flow Designer version 9.0.1.  My problem is that I am trying to reassign oCatValue, but it is not a choice in the list of variables in the Assign node.  I tried creating a javascript: oCatValue=NewValue where NewValue is another variable, and that is not working.  Does anyone have any suggestions  Thank you very much.
4 3256 3
by  LynneJump to last post
12/21/2012 11:53 AM

CDATA and xml node    

Started By  Lorena
Hi, I am new using Process Flow and xml. One of our vendors is requesting a file in XML format. I was able to built the file using the xml node in Process Flow but I need to include CDATA in one of the elements. The file should look like this: element>br /> /> /> /> /> /> ]]>element>br /> I do not know how to include this CDATA. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Lorena
5 3747 2
by  LorenaJump to last post
1/2/2013 1:02 PM

Custom Activity Node - FlowRunner using input data    

Started By  Frank
In ProcessFlow one of the custom activity node built in java beans is the 'FlowRunner' which triggers a new ProcessFlow. One of the options in FlowRunner is to not generate a new workunit (no logan database entries, no logs, etc). Does anyone know how to access inputData in the child process if the no workunit option is used --edited 4:55pm pacific 1/14/2013 - clarified no workunit option is being used, i can get to the data if a workunit is generated, but in this case I want to preven...
0 3301 1
1/14/2013 9:37 PM

getattachrec.exe for specific modified date    

Started By  Lorena
Hi, I have a PF that get the attachment for an specific job code from JOBCODE table. I am using WebRun for this. I would like to get the attachment only if the attachment was modified today. There is a field on L_HJBC name MODDATE that contains the modification date. Does someone know how to do this Thanks, Lorena
6 3525 0
by  Preston BurdwellJump to last post
1/31/2013 7:29 PM
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