Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Inbasket Link syntax    

Started By  bmm
Does anyone know the syntax to launch a user from an ProcessFlow sent email directly to an inbasket task with work unit listing inside the portal, or even better to the actual work unit/ xml exec itself (inside the portal).  I know I have seen the first one before, but just cant remember the syntax. Thanks!
9570 1
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
4/19/2012 10:11 PM

PF Updating Active Directory    

Started By  cBreeze
Good afternoon, I am working on a process flow that will update the network Active Directory. We are looking to make Lawson HR the driver in generating User ID's for the network as well as Portal. (We are planning on doing an ldap bind to the network AD.) I would like to create a New Hire PA Action that triggers a process flow to: * Create and Update our Network Active Directory with a user ID and Password.      (as well as enrolling them in an initial default Group, etc...). * Addi...
3 7454 1
by  SPJump to last post
4/27/2012 3:56 PM

PF Scheduler    

Started By  Lynne
Does anyone know if it's possible to run a PF every other week using PF Scheduler  Thanks!
4 4238 2
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/19/2012 7:18 PM

15 Variable limit for WFWK.1    

Started By  George Graham
Have a custom design studio form that is consolidating functionality. The form needs to kick off a process flow that does several things and updates multiple other tokens. The form writes out some of the data to the token it is built on, but a number of fields are not stored in the primary token and tables - and it exceeds 15 values, which appears to be the limit in WFWK.1. Therefore I can't just pass in the data through the variables in WFWK.1 The only option that I can think of is to use a ...
8 4621 0
by  Shane JonesJump to last post
4/22/2012 12:42 PM

Submitting PA52 as immediate    

Started By  George Graham
Has anyone been able to submit a PA52 transaction as an Immediate action through an ags callI keep getting the message: Warning! Action will be immediate; OK to continue  I've tried different combinations to bypass the manual requirement when doing this directly through PA52 of having to confirm the add - but can't seem to get past this confirmation step. Here is the call that is being made: servlet/Router/Transaction/Erp_PDL=LAWPROD&_TKN=PA52.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE...
4 6220 2
by  George GrahamJump to last post
2/14/2012 11:10 PM

Make Flow Wait    

Started By  SP
Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to make a flow wait before continuing execution I am working on a flow with multiple webrun nodes and would like the flow to wait until one job is complete before continuing to the next. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -SP
4 6082 0
by  SPJump to last post
2/28/2012 3:25 PM

PFI Syscommand - Xalan and XSLTPROC for XML XSLT Parsing    

Started By  Eugene Sarabia
I am trying to use a syscommand in PFI to call xalan and xsltproc  to parse and XML using XSLT. But I found out that our HPUX box does not even have xalan or xsltproc installed. Does anyone know where to download or how to install xalan and xsltproc on HPUX Box
1 4380 0
by  Bob CanhamJump to last post
2/21/2012 3:36 PM

portal inbasket    

Started By  Scooter
Portal inbasket - we want to modify the inbasket page (i.e. Work Unit      Description        Work Category).  Does anyone know where this xml file is located We want to add the Requisition Release date to this display so it will appear with 'Work Unit, Description, and Work Category'). Thanks for any assistance.
6 3726 1
by  ScooterJump to last post
2/22/2012 4:17 PM

inbasket Display, data.js - 'undefined' is null    

Started By  rogowsky
I have copied recsum.htm to make a new htm for display PO information.  We have a custom trigger for PO20 and needed a display for the inbasket. I have not been able to determine what is missing or wrong.  When I click on the inbasket item that uses my posum.htm I receive an 'undefined' is null or not an object, data.js, Line: 531 Code: 0  Char: 2 error.  Line 531 of the data.js file is referencing a data object in the DME call (lawson code). My DME call: var  logancall = new DMEObject(prod...
3 6087 1
by  rogowskyJump to last post
3/8/2012 1:51 PM

Moving Print Manager Reports via Process Flow    

Started By  Bob K
To send a report (or truly an index pointer) manually in Print Manager to another group or user, I hit the drop down button and click on either 'Send To Group' or 'Send To User' and proceed.  How can I do this in Process Flow  If I knew the GEN object(s) that did this behind the scenes, I think I could pull this off.
2 6255 0
by  AriJump to last post
2/23/2012 9:37 PM

ProcessFlow JMS Message    

Started By  KathyB
Have anyone Create a JMS Message using Lawson ProcessFlow Integrator Can ProcessFlow publish a JMS Message to a Topic IF yes, can you send me an example
0 3023 0
2/24/2012 12:19 PM

how to create new req in PF with RQ10.3 AGS call.    

Started By  Scooter
Has anyone had success in creating a RQ10.3 AGS call In processflow, we want to copy a requisition to a new req and are trying to do so with RQ10.3. Maybe there is another way to copy a req to a new req with all lines from the old req. I can create a new req with RQ10.1 but lines are not copied over, only the header info is copied to the new req.
1 3345 0
by  David WilliamsJump to last post
3/5/2012 1:02 PM

Updating a Group with Resource Update    

Started By  Deleted User
I created a ProcessFlow which uses the Resource Query node to loop through the assigned groups, writing each one to a string variable- stripping out the extra spaces and line breaks.  I then delete one of the groups from the string variable and use a Resource Update node to try and replace the group.  Every time I get to the Update node, I receive the following error:    com.lawson.lawsec.external.ExternalException:Attribute is invalid. Attributes - Group='EmpGroup,SABeta' ('EmpGroup,SABeta' ...
8 3935 2
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
3/9/2012 5:41 PM

PA52.5 - Move From Level problem    

Started By  George Graham
Trying to submit a transaction through PF to PA52.5 to swap the primary position. When trying to do the add its coming back with the message to 'Perform the Move From Level special action' - which is the V function - but that function is NOT the add function. its what populates the new position values that you are moving to.  Have submitted the transaction through portal with the trace debugger on to try to capture a valid AGS call to make - so the manual steps that I'm going through are: ...
4 4195 1
by  George GrahamJump to last post
3/12/2012 6:06 PM

LP51 Triggers    

Started By  Daniel
Does anyoneknow of a trigger or has anyone setup a processflow trigger on 'a'dds and 'c'hanges in LP 51 We would like to trigger a notification to Payroll of changes to an employees FMLA. Thanks
2 4138 2
by  DanielJump to last post
3/9/2012 2:56 PM

How to maintain an inbasket display in LSO and Portal    

Started By  sVaye
We're a new Lawson shop and would like our stand for processflow inbaskets displays to be html, but it looks like LSO's displays are xml. Can anyone who has a display in Portal and LSO tell me how they're handling this
3 4278 1
by  JeffRJump to last post
3/28/2012 5:45 PM


Started By  Chris12
I am a newbee  to processflow.  I am trying to add the attachments to the requisition approval process flow.  Can someone give me instructions on how to do this  As of now, the approvers go into their html web inbaskets and preview the reqs, then decide to approve or deny.  At that time, I would like to show them the attachments on the req.
4 3783 1
by  Robert SpurrJump to last post
4/9/2012 6:57 PM

Access to flow file version, ex. myflow_v08.xlm    

Started By  Deleted User
The ProcessFlow Administrator can display workunits assigned to that task. The columns are Workunit, Work Title, Process, & Status. The 'Process' column has the name and version of the flow associated with the workunit, for example 'ReqApproval_V05'. Is the 'Process' column available as a variable in the flow itself For instance on an email, I would like to include the name and version of the flow which produced it.
2 2934 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
4/16/2012 1:59 PM

Update job via transaction node    

Started By  Lynne
I am wondering if someone can help me with my transaction node that I am trying to update an existing PO100 job with.  I keep getting AGS error: Field is required when it runs. Here is my code: _PDL=&_TKN=PO100&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=C&JOB-NAME=PO100PAREX&USER-NAME=covenant_nt\e1531&COMPANY=0100&INCL-CST-OPT-2-3=Y&DEF-BUYER-CODE=KLH&RELEASE-PO=Y&DEF-DL-DAYS=5&SYSTEM-CODE=RQ&FIL-REQ-NUMBER=33568&_DELIM=09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE Here is the resulting log: Transaction C...
3 3735 0
by  LynneJump to last post
4/12/2012 1:18 PM

Debugging JavaScript Assign in Pflow    

Started By  Woozy
I am building a flow where I am trying to build some fairly complex logic in JavaScript assign nodes.  I'm getting an 'Error Evaluating Expression...' message in the log, but that isn't very helpful. Is there any way to do a 'display' of some sort within the node so I can see what it is doing at various steps in the JavaScript Thanks!
8 4420 1
by  WoozyJump to last post
4/12/2012 2:44 PM

PA52.1 and Must Inquire Msg    

Started By  Steven Gray
What's the method to use in an AGS call on PA52.1 with FC=A to bypass the message 'Must inquire on code before adding' I tried EVT=CHG, and PC-XMIT=1 with no success.
3 5496 0
by  Steven GrayJump to last post
4/18/2012 3:58 PM

ProcessFlow Email Importance    

Started By  Eric Bratcher
Some emails that we generate in ProcessFlow require action from an end user. Unfortunately those emails are sent to an inbox along with dozens of other notifications messages. We need a way to set the emails requiring action apart from the others. Our first thought was to set the importance of the message to high (like you can do within Outlook). Has anyone discovered a method to set the importance of an email created by the email node
6 3900 1
by  Eric BratcherJump to last post
4/27/2012 5:36 PM

Using service name (EMPLOYEE) in Where Clause    

Started By  Karen Sheridan
I am trying to do a resource query where the service name/identity Employee equals the HR11 Employee number If the where clause looks like this - it works ![CDATA[({ID}=)] But what I really want to do is match against the Employee Identity - this does not appear to work ![CDATA[({EMPLOYEE}=)] serviceName='testhcm_EMPLOYEE'> In reading other posts, it appears that this can be done, but I couldn't find any examples. TIA, Karen
9 3157 2
by  Karen SheridanJump to last post
4/20/2012 12:23 PM

Design Studio Inbasket    

Started By  George Graham
OK - I think I probably just need another set of eyes. Probably one of those things I've been looking at too long and am looking right past it. Trying to provide an inbasket to PA13.3. Trying to pass in company, employee and as of date into the form. I get the form to display in the inbasket - but its not populating the fields.  I have the following script in my portal page: function testinb_OnInit() { pStorage = new PortalStorage(); pStorage.addElement('PEP-EMPLOYEE',page.parameters.PE...
5 5001 0
by  George GrahamJump to last post
4/25/2012 11:55 PM

Personnel Action Previous Values in a Flow    

Started By  Bob Canham
I am trying to write a process flow that will send out emails to employees based on a Status change that happens.  The email will be different depending on what the status changed from and to.  Does anyone have any ways of getting the previous value of an item in a personnel action  I have tried using the PA66.3, but that isn't letting me parse well to get just the Status items. Thanks
7 3478 0
by  Bob CanhamJump to last post
4/30/2012 7:04 PM
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