Forum: IPA/ProcessFlow

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Is this possible?    

Started By  Ronnie
We currently have a server that has a scheduled task on it to run an executable. That executable takes files from one directory and moves them to another.   Is there a way that a process flow can be written that can take files and move them from one directory to another I know there is a file access node that can be used to check a location to see if a file exists, but what about moving files
16 16331 1
by  steve fingerJump to last post
5/29/2019 11:50 PM

Update HR155 strange error    

Started By  Lance Jurgensen
I am running a flow that will update an employee group, I need to update the HR155 job prior to running it. I get an error on field 'TC', but there is no error message.. Anyone seen this   [Debug - Feb 18, 2019 8:30:32 AM CST] Process resumed Activity started: LwsnTxn6  (Run Id: 7) S3 Transaction LwsnTxn6: Calling transaction server https://***redacted***.org:1443 with string _PDL=LAWPROD&_TKN=HR155&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=C&COMPANY=15&HISTORY-DATE=20190218&JOB-NAME=HR15...
0 3926 0
2/18/2019 1:37 PM

How can we trigger the Employee ID auto number via IPA?    

Started By  FireGeek21
We are working on implementing security automation for AD and other applications for contractors.  They are not, at this point, being entered into LTM but for other reasons the organization would like to enter them into LTM.  An option that is being pushed rather strongly is that the point of data entry for these contractors is external to LTM and that a data feed would be sent to LTM to update the 'employee table'. My concern is how to get the employee number generated.  Can the auto numbering...
0 3630 0
3/1/2019 2:10 PM

Error 143 on importdb in IPA    

Started By  LauraPat
Anybody know what error code 143 is on importdb I can run the command from the command prompt and the data imports into GMDISTREL without issue. I can run other GMDISTREL files using the same PF and they load without issue using IPA. But I have a file that keeps throwing the 143 error through IPA but not when I run the importdb from the command line. Any ideas I've been struggling with this all morning. Thanks in advance - Laura
0 3892 0
3/12/2019 3:25 PM

Best way to format HTML email    

Started By  Chris Beecy
I am wondering how other IPD developers format the HTML message of an Email node. I tried to create a formula/variable with to simulate a CSS style sheet but it 'sorta' worked but not completely. I have had luck using inline styles but that spreads the formatting around (as I build the message) AND cannot be reused. What I'm hoping for is a way to define a CSS Style Sheet in a variable (or global configuration) and reuse for all flows that need to send an email that conform to a single standard....
7 6046 4
by  Chris BeecyJump to last post
4/16/2019 10:36 AM

LMTxn node - Updating user field    

Started By  PD
I need a bit of guidance on how to update the Alpha field in the USERFIELD_STORAGE table using a LMTxn. I am not exactly sure what _module, _objectname, _actionName and _actionType to select.   Thanks
1 7062 1
by  PDJump to last post
4/18/2019 2:14 PM

Performing taks timeouts in separate flow    

Started By  Gene B.
We are looking to create reminders and timeouts to auto approve certain personnel actions based on varying period end dates (dependent on process levels). So the timers in hours or days on the user action node would not be set at all. So far, creating a flow to read PERSACTION and calculate when to send reminder emails works. In order to auto approve after a similar calculation I was going to use a call to PA53 to approve. That is still leaving the task in the users inbasket. How do I remove t...
2 7473 1
by  Gene B.Jump to last post
4/18/2019 2:35 PM

PA52 - error pending action does not exist    

Started By  PD
I first do a PA52 inquire and based on a condition then proceed to do a PA52 change which is to update the EFFECTIVE date. I get an error message 'pending action does not exist' while trying to do the PA52 change. Not really sure what that means....any ideas! _TKN=PA52.1&_EVT=CHG&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=C&PCT-ACTION-CODE=TERM&_HK&_IMMEDIATE_ACTION=1&PCT-COMPANY=0100&PCT_NEW_EFFECT_DATE=20190511&PCT-EMPLOYEE=382723&PCT-REASON1=TERM20FINAL&_DELIM=09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE Thanks
13 12234 3
by  PDJump to last post
4/22/2019 2:50 PM


Started By  PD
I've been trying to code a process flow using LWSNTxn node to first delete a record and then add to PA52. Can someone please refer me to any available docs that might help me with this I feel like I am shooting in the dark and time is being wasted for something that should be straight forward....I think.       Thanks
2 8467 1
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
4/19/2019 7:36 PM

WebRun example for SmartyStreets    

Started By  Garry Ferwerda
Does anyone have an example of using a WebRun node with SmartyStreets street address API  Is so would you be interested in sharing it   Thanks
1 12408 2
by  Dave CurtisJump to last post
4/24/2019 7:33 PM

Wondering your thoughts on IPA and Lawson 10 or Cloudsuite    

Started By  Erik G.
Good Afternoon all,   My hospital moved from Lawson 9 to Lawson 10 late last year and we are having conversations with Infor about moving to Cloudsuite.  Some of the things they have shown our materials and accounting staff revolve around using IPA which we don't currently use.  And as you might have guessed, they loved what they see and they want it right now.       My question to all of you what are your thoughts on IPA   Are you using it on V10 or Cloudsuite How hard was it to Implem...
11 15098 4
by  David TashimaJump to last post
5/3/2019 4:18 PM

LWSNTXN Node padding with ''    

Started By  LauraPat
I have a process flow that is running a SQL query and the output from that query is the run group out of GLTRANSREL.  I update the run group in my GL165 job through the LWSNTXN node, using that run group, and then the job is submitted via the WebRun Node.  But when I update the job using the output from the query (which is in a string) - the run group in the job parameters is being padded to the right with '' instead of spaces so GL165 ends up not finding the run group.  I've tried everything...
0 3736 0
5/22/2019 5:40 PM

Cannot activate or deactive a File Channel in Rich Client    

Started By  LauraPat
I use File Channel/Receiver to initiate a process flow. It's been working fine until we had a problem with our system and the process hung due to bad data and an enormous file. To prevent it from kicking off again - I tried to deactivate the File Receiver. I didn't realize until now that the deactivation failed). I've tried to deactivate it again and I get an error that the receiver is not active. If I try to reactivate it - I get the error 'Receiver must be in activated failed or inactive or fa...
0 3719 0
6/1/2019 8:29 AM

Parsing CSV with double quotes    

Started By  AC_Slater
Hi All, I'm hoping someone else might have had to tackle a similar issue, and seeing as though my regex skills are pretty rusty, I thought I'd reach out. I am currently using the Data Iterator to go through a CSV file to break up the file by line.  Normally, I would use a second data iterator to go through and break up the fields by their delimiter, which is a comma, but unfortunately some of the fields have valid commas within their data: For instance: 1234,Cake,,'Smith,John',,'Status: Ackn...
9 15986 3
by  steve fingerJump to last post
6/18/2019 4:49 PM

Landmark transaction query results    

Started By  mrabas
We are implementing GHR so I am starting to learn how to use the Landmark Transaction nodes to query data.  In S3, with a Lawson Query node we could access a specific row from a query like so: EmpQry_3_EMPLOYEE   Which would return the EMPLOYEE field for the third result of the query.  Accessing the results outside of the query loop allowed us to speed up the processing considerably.  Is there any way to access the full query results from the Landmark Transaction node   Thanks, Mike
0 4534 1
6/20/2019 7:36 PM

Updating PO20.2 using Transaction Node    

Started By  AC_Slater
Good morning,   I am currently working on a process flow to update a single field on the PO20.2 (PCR-PO-USER-FLD-5) using the Lawson Transaction Node.  My original thought was that I would be able to take the header information that is on the top of the PO20.2 screen to select the correct record and then perform a “C” FC on the form.  I isolated all of the header fields (pcr-company, pcr-buyer-code, pcr-po-date, pcr-po-number, pcr-vendor, pcr-purch-fr-loc, pcr-lcation) through a mix of Lawson ...
0 3467 0
7/8/2019 3:05 PM

Server Timed Out    

Started By  ScottCT
We get these time out errors on some of our processes, is there a way to increase the timeout time And which server would this setting be located, on the IPA or in M3
1 14767 0
by  steve fingerJump to last post
7/10/2019 2:30 PM

powershell script vs for loop w/IPA nodes    

Started By  Joan Herzfeldt
I need some advice with a new IPA process We have Lawson S3 v10 and IPA v10.1.1.58 I am creating an IPA that automatically update the PA16 The file I'm receiving can not be sorted or changed before I get it. The records are random, meaning there are multiple PA16's to be updated for the same person, but the records are NOT grouped together they can be 3rd record, 12th record and 22nd record. I want to update Each Employee's PA16 screen once. So I need to order the file or loop through a...
0 3758 0
7/10/2019 7:17 PM

Setting up IPA Service Process in new IPA environment    

Started By  Kert490
I set up the Infor Process in the Rich Client in the new environment exactly as it is currently setup in our production environment, but the form is unable to communicate with the Service I setup in the Rich client. This is the error that is generated after I run the GL146 process from Lawson: Processing GL146 - Batch Journal Control java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lawson/bpm/eprocessserver/interfaces/mingle/MingleRequest at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method) at java.l...
2 15526 2
by  Kert490Jump to last post
7/31/2019 2:04 PM

IPA - Webrun used to update Landmark    

Started By  Scooter
I would have used Landmark Transaction node to update user's profile.  Not sure why previous developer coded like this.  See below code string and this is only a small part of entire code string. If anyone can explain why it was coded this way, please reply.   I don't see advantage and this code is very difficult to maintain. WebRun Code (partial string) - code is executed from a WebRun node.  /scwebadminapp/ResourceManagementServletTASKTYPE=PROVISIONING&OBJECTTYPE=IDENTITY&CREATOR=lawso...
8 16431 2
by  JimYJump to last post
8/8/2019 10:15 AM

Records returned in IPA using lawson query node    

Started By  steve finger
when i do a lawson query from IPA, when the number of records specified in the query string is reached (512 by default i believe), the query seems to 'skip' a large number of records before the next record returned by the query.  for example...if the 'MAX' value is set to 512, the first 512 records are returned....then a number or records are skipped before the next record is returned. pretend i'm querying the apvenmast...  i have 10,000 vendors numbered sequentially from 1 to 10,000. ...
13 16426 3
by  steve fingerJump to last post
8/8/2019 11:28 AM

IPA Data Iterator node cannot find input file.    

Started By  Scooter
IPA Data Iterator node cannot find input file. Need your assistance to identify issue with Data Iterator node. Error message is 'File '' does not exist.' We've confirmed file (appload.CSV) exists on this directory (/lawson02/univ2/dartipa/ and server ( Below error message was copied from workunit log file: Activity nameI1 id:1 started 08/12/2019 03:41:24.578 PM Executing Data Iterator Activity DI1 ... ...
5 15684 1
by  ScooterJump to last post
8/13/2019 8:19 PM

IPA Email Node when SMTP Server is Unavailable    

Started By  jmartin
We’ve had issues lately with our on-premises Exchange server and found that emails failed from IPA when SMTP was unavailable.  We were hoping they would be able to queue... like magic.  Unfortunately, we are unable to simply restart the work units to resend the email notifications.   How do you handle situations where the SMTP server may be unavailable but the jobs need to continue to run and emails need to send/queue   Do you setup an error connection to an alternate SMTP server  ...
0 3546 1
8/12/2019 9:12 PM

How to calculate last day of current month    

Started By  Scooter
In processflow, we need the last day of current month.  This last day of month value will be used in batch pgm parm date, i.e. BN100, Thru-Date=20190831  Has anyone does this before Is there an Infor PF date function that can do this
2 15330 0
by  ScooterJump to last post
8/14/2019 8:01 PM

Removing Identities with IPA    

Started By  Scooter
We want to remove employee's Identities from Infor Rich Client. Our test flow is removing the employee's userid and passwords from each Identity  but,  the flow is not deleting the Identity name (e.g. SSOP) from Infor Rich Client when we view the employee, after flow is run. We are using a WebRun node with code that works on our PROD environment.  What could be missing from our 'test' flow that stops it from deleting the employee's Identities Thanks for your assistance.
5 15798 0
by  ScooterJump to last post
8/15/2019 8:29 PM
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