I have a challenging task that I have been told by Lawson is impossible but I disagree and have been doing research. I am hoping someone else may have thoughts on my idea....
I want to have send the approver of a processflow an email that includes a link to either approve or decline an action RIGHT FROM THE EMAIL. I have asked Lawson and was told it is impossible but the "display exec" includes an okay button updates something in a table to tell ProcessFlow that approval was granted for the action.
I am thinking that I should be able to include a link that does an AGS CALL to update the action to approved. http://server/servlet/ags?_PDL.......
Ideas... thoughts....
I have done this but the down side is the approver is required to log into Lawson after clicking the link. But the upside is that instead of having to select their Task, select the WorkUnit, select the Action, okay the Action and then confirm the Action all they have to do is key their login and password. To make this easier to design I created a seperate flow for the HTML Email and used a WorkObject in my approval flow to trigger it. I used a query to get the information I needed for each UserAction (the Activity ID can change from WorkUnit to WorkUnit) and put that into my hyperlink.
href="http://!host/bpm/inbasket?FUNCTION=dispatch&WORKUNIT=!QUE_WORKUNIT&TASK=!QUE_WFQUETASK_TASK&APPRODLINE=!appProdline&RDUSER=!TaskID&PROCID=!QUE_PROCESS_ID&PROCNAME=!QUE_WFWORKUNIT_PROCESS_NAME&ACTID=!QUE_ACTIVITY_ID&ACTNAME=!ActivityName&ACTION=Approve" TITLE="Click this link to approve the task below">Approve
I had to remove the angle brackets < > to get this to display with the variable names.