Is it possible to use Global Procss Flow Variables within your SQL statement in a SQL query (or update) node?
The syntax we use for SQL queries is db.schema.table, where the database name is actually the same as the global variable in the process flow. For example, I'd like to be able, within the query statement, to reference it as follows: appProdline.dbo.employee
Does anyone know how to utilize (process flow) variables within the SQL statement in your quer ynodes? (and, if so, what is the proper synax to do so?)
Thank you for any direction you can provide!
Thanks Barb. To answer the question from your initial post, yes I have the default product line defined in the config file for each of the two product lines. (Each resides in it's own environment on a separate server, so that part is pretty straight forward.)
As far as what I am doing & seeing now, here's the process I am referring to... 1. Select the SQL query node 2. Hit the 'Build' button as if I was going to modify the statement 3. Select the SQL statement tab 4. Modify the FROM clause in the statement to "FROM .dbo.REVIEW a" (same syntax is also used in a join to a second table) 5. Hit the 'Execute Statement' button
...This is where the Pop-Up comes up (basically a two column table), asking me to provide values in the value column, for the two variables which are both listed in the variable column...
6a. If I do nothing and just hit ok to continue execution of the statement, it returns the following error: Incorrect syntax near '<'. 6b. If I provide the value ("dev"), and hit ok to continue execution of the statement, it returns the query results. However, this seems to me to defeat the purpose of using a variable. 6c. Alternatively, if I change the syntax in the from clause to actually hard code the product line in, it also successfully executes the query. But, again, this defeats the purpose of utilization of the global variable.