I have solved this problem for our needs. Basically I queried for the attachment path from the requisition, parsed out the path, then added the path as a new attachment on the PO. If someone has an easire way of doing this, I would still be interested. Requisition Attachment Query using getattachrec: &_OUT=XML&_PDL=&_FN=REQHEADER&_IN=RQHSET1&K1=&K2=&_ATYP=U&_AUDT=I&_USCH=http&_OPM=T&_DATA=TRUE&_ECODE=FALSE Assign node for parsing. If the link exists, I also wanted to include it in a link in the email: var Attachback = RQCheckAttach_result; var D = Attachback.indexOf("AttData") var F = Attachback.indexOf("/AttData") var myAttach = Attachback.substr(D+18,F-D-23); var myAttach = escape(myAttach); var myAttach = myAttach.replace(/%5C/g,"%5C"); //Set for input button //var myAttach = "'" + unescape(myAttach) + "'" ; var myAttach = unescape(myAttach); var vresults = myAttach.length
if (vresults >= 1) {var vEmailAttach = '
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