My understanding is that the 8.0.3 processflow files, (.flo), are in a proprietary format, therefore it's not possible to use the .flo files themselves to generate documentation. Am I wrong? Is there a trick or utility I can use to read a .flo file? How are others documenting flows? Are there better tools in version 9?
No, you're not wrong. There's no way that the .flo has any kind of self-generating documentation, or tricks. You can enter some descriptive information on some of the nodes within Designer, but it doesn't print out in a document per se. You can create your own documentation by hand of course :) -R Posted By Paul Gallucci on 02/02/2009 03:51 PM My understanding is that the 8.0.3 processflow files, (.flo), are in a proprietary format, therefore it's not possible to use the .flo files themselves to generate documentation. Am I wrong? Is there a trick or utility I can use to read a .flo file? How are others documenting flows? Are there better tools in version 9?
Any advice how on reports to confirm set up?
We need an edit list for users, user task definition and user task category definition - basic set up confirmation.