Is there a way to define a Report Distribution group to a batch job created using IPA Activity Node LWSNTXN (Lawson Transaction)?
Report distribution is available on each job step as it pertains to each print file.If you are in Portal, you can click on the 'Reports' button on a batch form, and select a print file, and associate it with a distribution group. As for doing that in IPA, it is possible, using the /lawson-ios/action/AddJobStep API call. It's not trivial, but certainly doable.
Just in case you are looking for other options and have the necessary access to install 4GL code, Lawson /Infor does provide a routine 900-CREATE-AND-SUBMIT-JOB that updates the distribution group.
Code a screen that takes DIST-GRP as a field and behind the scenes, set the DIST-GRP and submit the job. IPA will just do an AGS call this screen.
Thanks Ragu. I know how to create/submit a job in COBOL using the 900-CREATE-SUBMIT API, but how would I get IPA to call this screen using AGS?
Thanks Ragu,
I used the LwsnTxn node and included the DIST-GRP parameter to add the job. The job is added but the dist-grp is not updated in the Report Distribution for the job Step. Any ideas?
Here is the string after the workflow is run:: _PDL=LAWTEST10&_TKN=P1183&_EVT=ADD&_RTN=DATA&_LFN=ALL&_TDS=IGNORE&FC=A&COMPANY=1&DEPT-NO=96524&JOB-DESCRIPTION=96524%20Fleet%20Payroll&JOB-NAME=FLPR96524&SUBSIDY-MAX=100&USER-NAME=dguserpy&WEEK-END-DATE=20211217&DIST-GRP=FLEETDIST&_DELIM=%09&_OUT=XML&_EOT=TRUE as user
Could the parameter name be different than DIST-GRP?
Attached is a sample IPA flow that updates a distribution group in a job step using IOS "ChangeJob" API.