I have an XML file along with and XSD schema and I am trying to get the XML node to work and I have several questions not easily found in the doc.
1. How does the input data get to the XML node? Does it need to be within a file or data iteration? If so how is this specified
2.I assume for Output parsing that the XML node with give me 1 itterration per record. Is this how it works.
3. Any examples of its use for parsing XML input files would be helpful.
Thank you
Attached is an example of reading in an XML file and looping thru it picking out values. It processes the LoadUsers input file generated by our IDManagement system.
Rename XMLSample.txt to XMLSample.lpd and NewEmployees.txt to NewEmployees.xml and place it in c:\temp. Also, fix up the email addresses in the Email node.