Thanks Sam. This is perfect. I originally thought I would just query queuedjob until the job was complete, but it's amazing how many sql selects can be made while a job runs. The thread count spiked, so I decided to drop your nice little wait code in the middle of my gen queries and wait 5 seconds each time. Voila!! Very Nice. Thanks again. Posted By Sam Simpson on 02/15/2012 05:02 PM Here's a javascript you can add to your pflow.js. Just call the script with mill = time in milliseconds. This is the time that everything paused: function startPause(mill, tdiff) { var lastdate = new Date(); var currdate = null; var tdiff = 0; do { currdate = new Date(); tdiff = currdate-lastdate; } while(currdate-lastdate < mill); return tdiff; }