I try to configure oracle JDBC for process Flow but unsusscessful. Here is what I did:
On PF server (Windows server 2003): - Placed oracle driver jar file (ojdbc14.jar from Oracle site) in $GENDIR\bpm\jar directory - Add the following line in pfserv.cfg file to include the driver jar in classpath: pfserv.common.classpath.5%GENDIR%bpm/jar/ojdbc14.jar - Restart the PF server. On Designer Desktop: - Placed the same driver jar file in \lib directory - modified the designer.bat file to include the driver jar file in classpath - open Designer and enter parameters in JDBC tab: JDBC Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver Database URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@serverIP:PORT:INSTANCENAME.
But when I tried to buid a SQL query node I got the error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at java/lang/Class.forName at com/lawson/bpm/processflow/workFlow/flowGraph/FgSQL.getJDBCConnection at workFlow/gui/FormSQLQueryWizard.sqlConnect
Please point out if I was missing something or incorrect. Your kind help would be appreciated.
Posted By Sam Simpson on 05/15/2009 10:55 AM Part of your connect string is coming from your tnsnames.
I disagree. The whole idea of the "Thin" driver is that you don't have to have the Oracle client loaded at all. All of the info in the connect string is used to connect to the server: