We just installed SP6 on our LSF9 Technology (LSF9.0.0.6 in test (SP4 in prod), Apps 8.0.3 MSP11, Windows, SQL Server, LS for users, LAUA for Admin). There are two issues so far that I've run into...
1. Can't assign oCatValue in the start node of designer (duplicate variable error). There is an easy work around for this...Lawson has created a PT.
2. Bigger problem...none of our custom inbaket htms display! There is another PT (180287). Lawson discovered that it is an issue with pulling in additional fields in the inbasket forms. The DME call can't handle related tables.
I'm wondering if anyone has run into this yet and does anyone have a work around?
Actually, the work around I used for #1 was to create a variable in the start node called oCatValue2. Once I saved the flow, I was able to open the flow file (.xml) in a text editor like wordpad and search for oCatValue2 and rename it to oCatValue. I was able to assign that variable to anything I wanted to. The PT that Lawson has is PT#180537 but it's a P3 - which probably won't be released until SP7 unless they bundle it in with the fix for item #2 above. My bigger issues is that I don't have a work around for the second issue listed above. Thanks! -Shari
Yes, I was testing using requisitions (Req Approval). The standard delivered recsum.htm works, but I cannot add additional fields due to a DME failure on related tables. I might be able to store some of the variables in WorkUnit Varialbes. -Shari