Testing is generating quite a few. Which utility is used to purge them and possible their log counterparts inbpm/wflog ?
Purging using PFI processflow would be a neat addition. We will be getting PFI in a week.
Gary: Perl is extremely effecient, it's the script's construction that causes the issue. Thanks for all this excellent advice gurus.
I wan't blaming Perl, just noting that the process changed and as a result a memory issue can occur and that if the interval the process is run is too long and results in too many workunits to delete you can get the memory exceeded error. Thanks for the reference to the KB John. I have found though that even with that tweeked if you leave purging to too long you can never get the perl script to complete resulting in a need for either a custom 4GL or the painful process of manually removing the workunits.