We have a process flow whereby the final SQL Transaction seems to have stopped working. We can execute the UPDATE function via SQL Mgmt Studio but it will not function in the process flow. The flow doesn't have any errors in the log file. All columns are in the right order. I have replaced the node. I have rewrote the whole flow. Nothing seems to work.
MERGE dbName.dbo.tblTarget as T USING dbName.dbo.tblSource as S ON (T.PeopleID = S.PeopleID) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET T.FirstName=S.FirstName, T.MiddleName=S.MiddleName, T.LastName=S.LastName, T.StartDate=S.StartDate, T.EndDate=S.EndDate, T.Credential=S.Credential, T.Category=S.Category, T.Position=S.Position, T.Department=S.Department, T.Status=S.Status, T.PeopleIDAlt=S.PeopleIDAlt, T.BadgeBarCode=S.BadgeBarCode WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (PeopleID, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, StartDate, EndDate, Credential, Category, Position, Department, Status, PeopleIDAlt, BadgeBarCode) VALUES (S.PeopleID, S.FirstName, S.MiddleName, S.LastName, S.StartDate, S.EndDate, S.Credential, S.Category, S.Position, S.Department, S.Status, S.PeopleIDAlt, S.BadgeBarCode) OUTPUT $action;