I've worked mostly in our dev environment. Our administrators are using SSL for our prod environment. They want me to debug a process flow in prod. Upon using ProcessFlow Administrator and checking the "SSL Enabled" checkbox, I get a huge java error/stack trace basically indicating:
sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I've gone into IE and browsed to the same place and went through the process of importing the certificate. Still the same error.
Any ideas?
Thanks for responding. I tried :443 in the url and that didn't help.
Could you elaborate on "also update your bpm.properties file in $LAWDIR/system and set to correct settings"?
Thanks a million!!
you can use "pfserv config" to reconfigure bpm.properties file in your LAWDIR/system You would want to change the settings: "Please enter the IOS Host Name" to "yourwebserver:port" "Is IOS on a secured server" to "true' "Please enter the processflow web URL Prompt, enter.... (daservlet)" to https://yourportalserver:port/bpm/daservlet
restart your processflow after the changes