I need to create a PF to update the date fields for a job. I have a Lawson Transaction Node to Inquire on the job and an XML Node to parse the output from it so I can get the current settings. I do not have an XSD. I noticed some of the fields have a dash in the name and I'm having a problem when trying to assign the value to a variable. Fields without a dash return a value. For example, XML9300_output.AR580[0].COMPANY, returns the Company. When trying to get the process level using XML9300_output.AR580[0].PROCESS-LEVEL, nothing is returned. I've tried the following different ways to get the value and I either get nothing or "error evaluating". Has anyone else run into this?
XML9300_output.AR580[0].["PROCESS-LEVEL"] - error on node error evaluating
XML9300_output.AR580[0]."PROCESS-LEVEL" - error on node error evaluating
** Lawson V10, IPD Product Version:
Thanks. I was overcomplicating it. I didn't need the XML Node.
Todd - are you referencing a Schema file? If so, then the XML should parse correctly and, depending upon the layers in the XML, can be referenced: ponumber = Parse_output.*:: DataArea.*:: SupplierInvoice.*:: SupplierInvoiceHeader.*:: PurchaseOrderReference.*:: DocumentID.*:: ID
(Ignore the space after the double colon)