Forum: Lawson Landmark

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IPA/Landmark - pass UA info to Action Form?      

Started By  Woozy
Hi All, We are working on a fairly complex custom ActionRequest process.  As part of this process, we'd like to modify the ActionRequest form so that different approvers see different fields on the form based on the particular UserAction node that the request was generated from.  For example, maybe an action has a section for Comp update/approval, HR update/approval, and Finance update/approval.  We want the Form to show only the fields that require review/update for that specific type of appro...
8 23556 2
by Woozy

Configuration Console      

Started By  PD
I need to modify the LPL code to calculate AdjustedStartDateLengthOfServiceYears and ContinousEmployementDateLenghtOfServiceYearsCompute  based on Term Date and not Current Date. How do I do that in Business Class = Employee and Form = Dates see attached txt file of delivered LPL code Thanks
5 23381 2
by weeoooohhhh

Using the --ignore option in daexport      

Started By  JimY
I am trying to use the --ignore option in the daexport command and it works if I use it like so:   daexport -t 4 -o devj --ignore ActionRequest,PfiActivity dev   I was told by Infor Support that you could specify the file names in a file and reference it in the command, but it doesn't work.  Below is what I have tried.  Has anyone else tried this  Thank you.   daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore exclude.txt dev daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore exclude.txt dev daexport -t 4 -o devy --ignore '...
3 20666 0
by TJ Mann

LPL - setting Boolean UserField to true      

Started By  PD
I have a UserField (Boolean type) that I would like set to 'true' or checked when the BenefitEnrollmentEvent is triggered. Presently it is initially set to 'false' or unchecked. I want to say something like: 'true when (BenefitEnrollmentEvent.EnrollmentType.LifeEvent)'     UserFlag1     UserFag2   Thanks
0 4207 1

High Availability on Landmark      

Started By  ALB
Our Landmark and LSF servers are AIX.  When we failed over to the secondary and started up Landmark, our LPA did not start up.  We had messages like:   error starting up SecEvent servlet, original message: Failed to initialize authentication layer. Cause Unable to create a connection   We failed back to the primary and were fine.  Does anyone have any troubleshooting suggestions
1 20285 1
by Kwane McNeal

How to point Replication Sets to multiple FTP Destinations      

Started By  Chris Beecy
Hi, I am on v11 CSF and cannot figure out how to point Replication Sets to a different FTP directory than the root directory on the FTP site provided by Infor. I read the documentation and tried to configure the schema.registration.destination but it did not work. Has anyone got this to work My objective is to send to several destination folders such as /ReplicationSets/GL and /ReplicationSets/AP...etc...but I would be happy at the moment just to dump everything in /Replications Sets/ instead ...
0 5277 0


Started By  ALB
I ran dbverify and received the message: Charset Mismatch for ora: SpaceCharset: UTF-8/DBCharset: WE8MSWIN1252 All of the tables and indexes were fine. $LASRCDIR/dict/.xml has charset='UTF-8' and 'UTF-16  while gen.xml and all my other environments have charset='ISO-8859-1'.  The Oracle database has WE8MSWIN1252 and $LASYSDIR/install.cfg has .ORA_CHARSET=WE8MSWIN1252. This does not seem to affect the system.  I am not sure how to resolve this.  I was referred to an article about converting t...
0 4089 0

LPL question      

Started By  PD
I am trying to invoke a form based on a selected list. Any three selected from the list should invoke (call) the form. I think I need something like below but not working: if(MatchInvoiceMessage.MatchMessageContext.POCostFlag.FieldStates=4)     link is MessageCommentsNav   will appreciate any advice that will lead me to a fix.
0 4469 1

Login failed--LwsnQuery node thru IPD.      

Started By  tambrosi
Getting this error when using the Lawson Query Node under IPD. (LwsnQuery). Login Failed I have tested with EJB connector and the WEB connector Under Rich Client.   I am not sure where to look anymore,  I checked the Websphere settings back to the needed params in Rich Client per the documentation.   Any ideas/Help would sure be appreciated. Thanks Terry   Jul...
5 23453 2
by tambrosi

Configuration Console - UserField      

Started By  PD
I have a userfield called 'ContactCenter' from BusinessClass 'BillingInvoiceImportLine' being used in form 'Main' and I want to reference that userfield in BusinessClass 'BillingInvoiceLine' in form 'Detail'. How do I reference it In form 'Detail' of businessClass 'BillingInvoiceLine', I've used the code below but getting an error msg (Since this is an unrelated Business Class state field reference: Expected a state field) BillingInvoiceImportLine.ContactCenter   What am I missing   Than...
0 4112 1

Use IPA to get Contract documents?      

Started By  Jonathan
Hello, Is it possible to use IPA, or any other tool, to download documents that have been attached to Contracts in LCM  We're moving from LCM to another system and have been tasked with exporting all the documents.  The documents appear to be stored in the LCM database but we can't find which table holds them all.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. I attached a screenshot of the type of document we're trying to get access to. Thanks.   J
1 19792 0
by Joy Currin


Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - When we perform a action on resource record , system stores the action related information in ACTIONREQUEST business class. But it's missing the some information.  Example: When we perform TERMINATE action on employee, we enter the ReasonCode, RelationShip status etc on Action form. System stores all Action relation information like ActionName, WorkUnit Number, Title etc in [ACTIONREQUEST] business class. But where does system stores the action reason code information.
0 4340 1

Where is Configuration Console - Web UI      

Started By  FireGeek21
Dumb question but where is Configuration Console in Web UI  In Rich Client, I can locate it easily but where did it go in web ui   Thanks!
2 20695 0
by Srini Rao

Candidate Space      

Started By  KrisD
We recently updated to TM and Landmark CU and we cannot get Candidate Space to work. Anyone else having an issue with Candidate Space
0 3833 0

Rich Client flashes and then disappears      

Started By  Tre
Rich Client is installed and icon placed on desktop . . . The issue is, once I double click on the icon to try to run it, it just flashes as if its trying to open and then disappears. Does anyone know what this issue could be
6 19690 0
by Carla Branda

Rich Client Install Issue      

Started By  Casy
We have 1 user who is having this issue so far.  The rest all installed without issue.  I have our tech team looking into it but we are on a tight timeline so googling, searching on forums, etc.  A sample from the error is below: 2020/03/19 10:07:46 setup.go:1046: Failed unpack: C:\Users\dougja\AppData\Roaming\Lawson Software\lrc\landmarktest.test.com_443_64\diffmatchpatch.jar.pack 2020/03/19 10:07:46 setup.go:1046: Failed unpack: C:\Users\dougja\AppData\Roaming\Lawson Software\lrc\landmar...
0 4403 0

List-based Sync won't run!      

Started By  Dave Amen
I've seen list-based sync run on Unix, but never on a Windows server. When I attempt to run it, I've tried putting the full path in, the partial path, being in the same folder as the file, but it simply won't find it (even though I can see the file right there): D:\lsftest\launt\UCH_lawson> ls -l TinyTest.xml -rwxrwxrwa   1 UCH\lawson       UCH\Domain Users        349 Apr 01 TinyTest.xml   D:\lsftest\launt\UCH_lawson> ssoconfig -S ssocpassword TinyTest.xml File with this name doesn'...
11 24148 2
by Jay2


Started By  TJ Mann
secadm.bat actor delete ACTORNAME (test123). replied - DONE. Logged into Rich client, and went to Actor List and test123 is still showing. Thanks!
1 19638 0
by Kwane McNeal

Configuration Console      

Started By  Ragu Raghavan
All the docs and webinars I see, show how to add a user field to a business class and render it on the form. Pretty neat and easy to do. I am looking for something more complex. For instance, when user clicks on an ITEM in one of the forms, a panel/form/list needs tp open up that shows Stock On Hand at diferent locations for this item.  Is such a thing doable using Config Console Thanks.
2 19683 1
by Ragu Raghavan

Creating a dropdown for custom field in Landmark      

Started By  Quarantine
How do I create a dropdown for a custom field in Employee Landmark Form. I was able to create the custom field in Employee  table and form, link it via relation to the Custom Business class to which the field is related. However we need the users to  search and select the field values from the custom business class. I am unable to add the dropdown. Any ideas
1 18921 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Triggering a custom IPA flow and passing variables to it from Landmark      

Started By  Quarantine
Hey Does anyone have a sample on how to trigger a custom IPA flow from Landmark form and pass screen variables to it on save user action. Even a simple flow example from standard CSF or GHR forms will do.
1 19764 0
by Chad Dirst

Error with Calculation in Assign Node      

Started By  tommyg-006
Good Morning All, We are building an automation that will compile a report of employee wages and their contributions to the 401(k).  We have a query on the QUARTDED table to pull the WAGE_AMOUNT for the 401(k) deductions.  If an amount is found it is assigned to the variable:  Total401kEligibleWagesVar From there I have an assign node to perform the following calculation: var Total401kEligibleWages=Total401kEligibleWagesTotal401kEligibleWagesVar; Total401kEligibleWages=Total401kElig...
1 18646 1
by Kwane McNeal

How to delete multiple Landmark files      

Started By  Scooter
On v11 Cloudsuite, we want to use IPA to delete same filenames with datestamps, e.g.  invoice0823.csv, invoice0824.csv, invoice0826.csv, etc. Is it possible to delete all files beginning with 'invoice' when each 'invoice' file has a different datestamp. I know FileAccess node can delete (1) file. Not sure how to code a deletion of same filenames with multiple occurrences.  Thanks for your assistance.
2 18746 0
by Scooter

LPL/CONFIG console - Changing Field State based on selection      

Started By  PD
In need of assistance to change a field state (FilledOpenings) to 'Display Only' or 'Hidden' when it is from the Manager's position in LMGHR....see attached doc Manager -> Acquire Talent -> Create Requisition and the field in question is FilledOpenings Thanks
0 4132 1

Modifying a static report in Configuration Console      

Started By  Quarantine
Is it possible to remove fields from a static report in Landmark. for example the buyer expediting report. When i try to edit in LPL mode it gives a warning. spec not supported.   However opening it shows the old Lawson scr layout fields.  Since I have good Lawson experience i can identify the fields to be removed and edit it as per lawson standards. will it reflect in Landmark static reports
0 4466 0
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