Forum: Lawson Landmark

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Customizing IPA within Landmark      

Started By  Andrew
So, I'm still getting my feet wet with Landmark now, and am really excited to go back to vanilla Lawson/Infor after bastardizing it these past few years. After doing my initial review, I think the biggest win that I can get from the business is getting rid of our custom inbaskets and attempting to go back to the vanilla version of inbaskets. However, some questions that I have: For Proxy approvals, is there a way to limit the proxy users shows based on criteria I'm assuming that the...
0 4269 0

add segments to eligibility file      

Started By  Cherie O
first off...forgive me if this is in the wrong section or a stupid question. we have lost our lawson analyst and we have no experience. we have lawson 9.1 our insurance broker/provider has requested we  'would like to add an additionall EligData segment, which will specify the benefit coverage for members and dependents. This EligData is referred to EligData9 – Product Link records' they provided a file that we can compare to others that are saved in a reference folder. however, we have no ...
4 20723 0
by Ragu Raghavan

Can't configure Infor Lawson connection      

Started By  Xin Li
Our Lawson System Foundation and Landmark are federated and Landmark as primary authentication service. When I tried to configure Infor Lawson connection to Lawson system foundation at system configuration on landmark and tried to test connection it failed with error below. I was able to configure connection to other S3 environments that are not federated with landmark. Any idea what is wrong ViewException:   Class Name: PfiClassicConnection   View Name: PfiClassicConnection   Set Name: Pfi...
2 24926 0
by Xin Li

Schedule full sync of ISS      

Started By  MC
V10 - S3 only no GHR.  We would like to run a full sync weekly.  I know we can go into the IFS (ISS) and using the administrator click the button.  We would like to be able to schedule this to happen.  There does not appear to be a SSOCONFIG option that will do a full sync (without creation of a second file of ids of who we are syncing). Is there some option available that we are not aware of Thanks
2 21523 0
by Roger French

Landmark node (create/update) vs SQL Transaction(insert command)      

Started By  cymaano
Hi, I am trying to convert PFI flow to IPA version. The current PFI is using SQL transaction node to insert work unit variables(LOGAN tables) and there are a lot of insert commands. Now, I would like to convert this to IPA version and I am sure the recommended step is to use Landmark node create action.   is it possible to use SQL transaction to create PF related tables such as PFWORKUNITS,PfiWorkunitVariable instead of using Landmark node   ex. PFI version INSERT INTO .dbo.WFVARIABLE ( ...
0 4316 1

enable my profile and take notes on ee space      

Started By  giesewendy
How do you enable the Take Notes and the My Profile options for employees on the Employee Space menu
0 3619 0

LPL to default a value      

Started By  giesewendy
I want to place a default into several fields on some of our forms.  Does anyone have basic LPL code for that
2 17984 1
by giesewendy

PF to IPA Crosswalk      

Started By  LauraBryant
Does anyone have, or know where I can field, a crosswalk of the system variables available in Process flow and the new system variable in IPA  For example, I know that appProdLine no longer exists and is replaced by Main.ClassicDataArea.  oWorkUnit is replaced with WorkUnit.  WF-RM-ID is replaced with PfiUserProfile.   Is there a list of all the system variables  I don't want to recreate it if it already exists.   Thank you!
1 16334 1
by John Henley

cdexport/import Single Actor      

Started By  This_Guy
I am familiar with the cdexport/import utilities. But, what I have never tried, was just exporting a single Actor (we call him Actor1) personalizations into another Actor (Actor2) in the same environment for Contract Mgmt. Seems like these would be the commands, although I cannot be certain of the syntax.  cdexport -z --onlyactor dataarea Actor1 cdimport -I --keepactor dataarea Actor1=Actor2    Anyone have exposure to this kind of single user export/import of the custom...
1 12130 0
by This_Guy

New Action Request      

Started By  Srini Rao
Hello , How do I create a new action request on employee business class.
5 14639 3
by Woozy

Mass load of role to actors in GEN of Landmark?      

Started By  Ronnie
So we are preparing to get everything in order for our Lawson 10 go live. One of the steps is to get all users who use process flow inbaskets to have the required Inbasket_userST role in the landmark side.   Is there a way to mass load this role to users in landmark    The old company I was at, what we did that easy was added this Role to their Lawson security using a Mass Assignment inside the RM Administrator tool, and since we were federated we just ran a synch between landmark and LS so...
5 13514 1
by Jey

Using dbimport to batch upload data for user business classes      

Started By  Panda Hung
Hi everyone, I'm new to Lawson Landmark Xi so bear with me. Instead of using the portal, we are trying to automate the batch loading of values for some user business classes. So far I have identified three related tables: - UserBusinessClass - UserBusinessObject_Storage - UserField_Storage My questions are: 1) Is it relative straightforward to create Unix jobs to launch dbimport to upload the values 2) How can I find out what data area is associated with the UserField_Storage  table...
0 4340 0

Using Oracle tools to refresh Landmark data      

Started By  This_Guy
We have some pretty detailed steps to export/import our LM data from Source to Target, and have done that only 3 times, so relatively new. I chatted with my DBA and we were curious if there is any insight as to why no one 'seems' to be using Oracle tools (data pump) to do this kind of refresh, like we do with LSF current day.  I noticed the daexport is essentially pumping out to CSV files (BusinessClasses/Tables) individually, and the daimport is switching the prodline (Ex: prodlm=devlm), but o...
2 9108 1
by This_Guy

Refreshing LTM Data      

Started By  SP
Does anyone have any experience or care to offer guidance re refreshing LTM data  I have an Infor functional consultant who is advising that LTM productlines cannot be refreshed. We have two LTM productlines in one LMRK env.  Currently all setup and conversions are happening in one of the LTM productlines with data being fed to S3 via IPA (LPA). The Infor consultant is advising the users that any garbage setup data going into LTM is there forever and there is no way to simply take snapsho...
3 12659 1
by Srini Rao


Started By  Srini Rao
Hello - We run daexport and daimport to refresh the data from landmark prod to test environment. This process runs more than 8 hours as we have lot of WU and PFvariable.   Is it possible eliminate WU related data and export/import the application data.    Thanks
0 4810 1

Question On Deleting ActorRoles      

Started By  JimY
I have created a flow that disables employee's based on their termination date.  The flow I have uses a resource update to remove the roles and disable the employee.  That part works fine.  I was hoping to use the List Based Sync to sync them up with the Landmark side so that they would show disabled there and also remove their roles, but unfortunately I am not getting anywhere with that.  I decided to go another route.  I am modifying the flow to use a Landmark transaction to disable them and r...
0 4051 1


Started By  Tom Denner
I am being asked to test a complicated  process flow in LTM.  In order to kick the flow off I need employees, which I do not have because I am carried in the system as a consultant. If I select a manager with employees how do I set myself up as a proxy to him/her so I can test the flow as them Do I have to login as the manager to grant the proxy   Can I do it myself
2 7682 2
by Woozy

Update IPA without update Landmark      

Started By  Xin Li
Can we update IPA without update Landmark
6 7936 2
by Tim Schmidt

404 error for Requisition Approval Inbasket after upgrade to      

Started By  JimY
Has anybody else upgraded to Landmark technology  I upgraded our test system last week from and cannot access our Requisition Approval Inbasket.  I have opened a ticket with Infor Support, but the response has been lacking.  I have checked and rechecked the installation guide and I believe I have done all of the steps correctly.  Thank you.
8 7770 1
by JimY

How to change "Hire A Resource Menu"      

Started By  giesewendy
How can I change the field selections on the menus for the 'Hire A Resource' option in Landmark
5 6642 1
by giesewendy

Options to write reports against landmark      

Started By  Ronnie
I was wondering if anyone could help give input on options on writing reports against landmark  I know we have spreadsheet designer, but are there any other options for writing reports against landmark things such APIA    Thanks,
0 3440 0

Landmark Create Report option      

Started By  Jay2
An Administrator in our company had created a report from the resources list.  She made it public so that all the different agencies could view the report but she wants it to be secured so that the agency users only see the information pertaining to thier agency or OrgUnit.  Is it possible to filter this data
2 6409 0
by Jay2

Landmark Re-install fails on gridinstaller error      

Started By  Keith Barth
Here is the error we are encountering on the reload of Landmark via the LANDMARK.jar process: run /prod/prod-LM/env/bin/gridinstaller java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) Error:  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( Error:  at sun.reflect.NativeM...
5 6143 0
by Keith Barth

Landmark Grid fails to restart      

Started By  Keith Barth
After the orderly shutdown of the Landmark application (WebSphere, adminlaw, stoplaw, and stopping of the Grid), we are trying to restart the application. In that process, the Grid must start first. The two GridHost processes are starting normally, but the remaining start of the Grid is failing to start registry on host GridHost. We are using the  /etc/rc.d/init.d/grid_prod-grid start We have tried umounting and remounting filesystems and making sure that no Lawson processes and open files are...
1 6196 0
by Keith Barth

Candiate space Link published on WWW      

Started By  xxxxxttysfh
Candidate space is being published outside for us , we would like to know how you have done this
4 6490 1
by xxxxxttysfh
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