Hi Everyone,
We are currently running Landmark and LSF on-premise on AIX/DB2, and there is some discussion about moving to Windows/SQL on the Infor Cloud. One of the things that is being discussed is whether we should go multi-tenant or single-tenant.
We are HEAVY users of DB2 SQL queries in interfaces and flows, and we also do a significant amount of command-line scripting for things like triggering processes via our external enterprise scheduler.
For those of you who are multi-tenant cloud:
-- Do you have direct SQL SELECT access to your system?
-- Do you have Landmark/LSF command-line access to your system?
-- Do you have SFTP access to your system?
My impression has always been that the multi-tenant option eliminates both direct SQL and command-line access, but I'd like to know if that is really the case. I'd also hear the "real world" answer instead of the "salesperson" answer.
I was under the impression that single-tenant is no longer an option. Did you find otherwise? We are also looking at our options.
Hi Lisa,
I changed jobs a year ago, so I'm out-of-the-loop on Infor. I wouldn't be surprised if single-tenant was no longer offered. It really doesn't make sense from the Infor perspective as multi-tenant gives them the biggest bang for the buck and eliminates the frustrations of dealing with different customers on different releases. We are still on-prem, and expect to remain that way with our Infor platforms for now.
Good Luck!