Hi All,
We use DB2 SQL OLEDB queries to pull data from Landmark/TM into our data warehouse. We need to be able to do this with EmployeeIdentificationNumber to get the IdentificationNumber (SSN), but this field happens to be encrypted. Does anyone know the trick to decrypt this data via SQL?
NOTE: We're using the IBM DB2 drivers.
Thanks! Kelly
We just went thru a long arduous battle with inforXtreme that culminated in a phone conversation with several members of infor development and support. Needless to say, we were told that the encryption keys would not be made available to us due to security concerns and that the only way to extract these encrypted Landmark values would be thru infor/Lawson applications (i.e. IPD, infor Excel Add-ins, etc.). That said we will probably do something similar to what Woozy detailed but wanted to provide anyone reviewing this with the most beneficial piece of info that came out of our meeting. It was a listing of secured Landmark fields.
For anyone interested, those fields are as follows:
DependentIdentificationNumber (Global HR) DependentTravelDocument (Global HR) EmployeeAlternateIdentificationNumber (Global HR) EmployeeBankDetails (Global HR) EmployeeIdentificationNumber (Global HR) EmployeeIDSearch (Global HR) EmployeeTravelDocument (Global HR)
HRMDependentIdNbr (Lawson Talent Management to Lawson HRM interface) HRMDependentIdNbrHistory (Lawson Talent Management to Lawson HRM interface) HRMEmployeeIdNbr (Lawson Talent Management to Lawson HRM interface) HRMEmployeeIdNbrHistory (Lawson Talent Management to Lawson HRM interface) CandidateIdNumberExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) DependentIdNumberExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) EmployeeAltrIdNbrExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) EmployeeBankDetailsExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) EmployeeBankDetailsImport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) EmployeeIdNumberExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) InterfaceCandidate (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) InterfaceEmpAltrIdNbr (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) InterfaceEmpAltrIdNbrHistory (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) InterfaceEmployeeIdNbr (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) InterfaceEmployeeIdNbrHistory (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface) JobRequisitionExport (Lawson Talent Management Universal Interface)
CandidateDependentIdNumber (Talent Acquisition) CandidateDependentTravelDoc (Talent Acquisition) CandidateIdentificationNumber (Talent Acquisition) CandidateTravelDocument (Talent Acquisition)