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vmware for lawson add-ons    

Started By  SDave
We want to use as much vmware as possible with our upgrade. Has anybody installed the following production apps on vmware MSCM or 9.0.1 ADAM LBI 9.0.4 Scorecard Essbase 9.0 Thanks! LSF will be hpux 11.23
3 4988 0
by  Chris GawareckiJump to last post
3/3/2011 2:35 PM

LDAP Broswer Queries    

Started By  TBonney
Is anyone familiar with building LDAP queries using Softerra LDAP Browser 2.6 If so, I need help please... I've got a query that returns userid, first name, last name, roles assigned, product line, etc. (From O=lwsnrmdata) However, I also need to identify the employee company and employee number for the same users identified in the first query. (From O=lwsnSecData) Does anyone know if there is a way that I can generate a more complex query that will return both sets of data Thank y...
5 6863 3
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/21/2011 2:21 PM

Windows 7 desktop with Lawson    

Started By  hsuhsen
Is anyone out there using Windows 7 desktop for their Lawson end users Our school district would like to upgrade, and I need to determine if all of our lawson products will work. We are on 9.0.1 4 environment with apps, and we use e-Recruiting, lawson reporting, Add-ins, RSS and EMSS.  I see that Add-ins is supported based on the availability matrix, but I didn't find anything for the rest of the products.
12 11093 2
by  hsuhsenJump to last post
3/3/2011 9:43 PM

Severe Performance Problems Running 9.01 on Windows    

Started By  Rob Steedle
We are experiencing severe, but intermittent, performance problems with our new Lawson implementation and are wondering if any of you have encountered something similar.  The system performance is acceptable most of the time, but there are times when it becomes excruciatingly slow.  During those periods, which can list for 30 minutes or more, it can take minutes for screen refreshes to take place.  During some of these epoisodes, CPU utilization can be very high, at other times CPU utilization i...
20 9046 4
by  Rob SteedleJump to last post
3/7/2011 10:07 PM

LID will not connect to a UNIX server in Windows 7    

Started By  promano
Tried both and Cisco Anyconnect. When attempting to log onto the unix server using LID, I get prompted for my userID and password. I can enter this info, then nothing happens...frozen. Works fine in Windows XP. Any thoughts
5 3550 2
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
3/3/2011 8:38 PM

Animator on Windows 2008 R2    

Started By  Angela Collins
We are upgrading and moving from Unix to Windows.  I was trying to get Animator to work for COBOL debugging.  I was working on a batch program.  It fails every call.  The first one was on GetSysTime, but it is on every call.  Everything I see is prior to LSF9 or Unix.  I would appreciate any help.
3964 0
3/2/2011 9:32 PM

How to sync ldap attribute for users between two environments?    

Started By  Xin Li
We are in the proccess to upgrade to 901 from 900 environment. At the initial 901 build we migrated all users from 900 to 901 a few months. During the past months quite a few users ldap attribute have been changed and new users have been added to 900 environments. With that said, two environments users are out of sync. Is there a way so that I can sync 901 with 900
0 3273 0
3/4/2011 3:03 PM

ADAM upgrade to AD LDS    

Started By  DavidV
We are currently on LSF 9016 and Apps 9014 and WAS 7009 and HP-UX 11iv3 and Oracle 11gR2. We are looking to upgrade AD to 2008 R2.  First do we have to upgrade ADAM to AD LDS I assume we should.  That being said what is the best approach  Can we upgrade in place or do we need to install a new instance  If it's a new instance then how do we migrate the data and point Lawson to the new instance Has anyone done this Any help would be appreciated
2 3634 1
by  DavidVJump to last post
3/15/2011 7:09 PM

AD sync and Laua    

Started By  Deleted User
We are running windows 2003, sql 2005, LSF 9 ( apps, env) I would like to bind to our AD (believe ADAM installed), so our portal users can login using their Network password. Is this possible We still use LAUA security
2 3059 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
3/16/2011 3:52 PM

Environment Patch    

Started By  Sherry S.
Hello, has anybody encountered any issues applying LSF901.7 aptch (Windows 2003/SQL 2003) Thanks Sherry
0 3499 1
3/16/2011 4:50 PM

Help restoring needed to restore ADAM from backup file    

Started By  Gerry
After installing the LSF update to 9016 and installing the MSP5 upgrade, we discovered that a custom attribute was not working in Lawson security.    Lawson support advises me to restore ADAM from the backup and run the ldifgen command. I do not have any experience with ADAM and looking at the Microsoft page there are multiple ways to do a restore. Does anyone know how I should restore ADAM  Which process I should use. Thanks
1 3123 0
by  George GrahamJump to last post
3/17/2011 11:14 AM

iSeries - LSF 9 startpfrmi problem    

Started By  Huizong
Hi, I am installing LSF on the IBM iSeries machine. I get the error message as follows: h2 Enabling servers run qsh_out -c 'startlaw -enable pfrmi' Service pfrmi enabled. run qsh_out -c 'startlaw -enable pfem' Service pfem enabled. run qsh_out -c 'startlaw -enable pfbpm' Service pfbpm enabled. run qsh_out -c 'startlaw -enable pfsch' Service pfsch enabled. h2 Starting servers ... run qsh_out -c 'perl /LAW9/gen/bin/startpfrmi' Startup of pfrmi completed. ...
2 3766 1
by  HuizongJump to last post
3/28/2011 4:02 PM

Object Not Found error in Latm.log    

Started By  Brian Fink
Hi all. I hope I'm in the right forum for this topic. We had a recent disk crash on our HP server that runs our Lawson Financial application. This is an older non-production system that is mainly for record retention. The database is running and the server isn't throwing errors but when get errors when we try to access the application via the desktop Insight client. The client loads and we can get into the general ledger flowchart but once we try to access the accounts we get the following e...
4897 1
4/1/2011 11:56 AM

WebSphere 7.0    

Started By  Ronald
We are upgrading from (ESP) to (ESP)and were wanting to know what should we do first. Run the upgrade of our environment and apps then the Websphere or do the Websphere first
2 2994 0
by  George GrahamJump to last post
4/5/2011 11:24 PM

Auditing Active Requesters in RQ04    

Started By  TBonney
We've noticed on our Lawson maintenance contract that Procurement Self Service is billed based on number of users. I assume this correlates to the number of RQ04 records (requesters) we have set up. We're billed at 1000 'users', but only have about 600 requesters defined in RQ04. Of those, I imagine many have not created a requistion in a long time. Therefore, I'd like to audit this and delete any RQ04 records for those who haven't created a requisition in the last 12 months. Has anyone been a...
6 3868 2
by  TBonneyJump to last post
4/19/2011 3:21 PM


Started By  Ron Martinez
An important note to consider when installing DPP programs includes the following: DB2 clients:Verify that DB2HOME is set correctly before running the DPP process. The upgrade program, ugsql, will use the DB2HOME path to find the DB2 JDBC driver. Where is DB2HOME located and what is the correct setting Thanks
0 3904 0
4/13/2011 1:46 PM


Started By  Ron Martinez
Where is classpath located Where do you enter this data CLASSPATH=/lawson/law9/dev9/ugsrc
1 3448 0
by  Ron MartinezJump to last post
4/19/2011 6:35 PM


Started By  Ron Martinez
Has anyone used DBCOPYI for systemi If so, what is the syntax for DBCOPYI Were you happy with the results when compared with other copy options How did you verify the copy was complete and all the data was copied over Thanks
0 3428 0
4/14/2011 6:19 PM

MKS Toolkit vs Lawson Unix Utilities    

Started By  Deleted User
We have MKS toolkit 9.0 running with LSF 9.0.1 ESP 5 on a Windows 2003 OS.  I'm trying to plan an upgrade of MKS to version 9.4 or a switch to Lawson Unix Utilities.  Are other people running LUU  Or are people staying with MKS
1 4468 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/15/2011 8:25 PM

Oracle describe table output    

Started By  hussey1213
I need to find the Oracle describe table output for the below tables: APPLICANT EMSTATUS ICITEMGTIN PASCRTY POPIVUF POVAGRMTLN POVENDLOC REQHEADER RQLOC We have missing columns between our Production and Development environments and we need to manually add them. Any help would be appreciated.
1 4099 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
4/21/2011 10:20 PM

iSeries WebSphere 7    

Started By  Ronald
I am preparing to do an upgrade on Lawson from to and ran into the issue of needing to upgrade WebSphere to version 7.0. One of my steps in preparation is to get all the PTF's installed for the iSeries including the one's needed for the WebSphere 7.0.  Calling Lawson only gets me the normal excuse of 'we do not have documentation on upgrading your websphere. Our LPS group handles that.'
3 3583 1
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
4/26/2011 5:03 PM

LAWSON db user account lock issues    

Started By  Manjula
We had an issue with the lawson user's db account getting locked. Users were unable to get into Lawson. On looking at ladb.log, I saw that the Lawson user's account was locked. As a DBA I had NOT gone in and locked this user's account. Has anyone encountered this Why and how would this happen Also, Lawson recommends that the owner (lawson) should have DBA privs. I plan to revoke this privilege from the user Any repurcussions
6 4724 0
by  ScoobyJump to last post
5/1/2011 1:33 PM

No Key Change Index    

Started By  Angela Collins
I need a custom index on APVENMAST by Tax ID and Tax ID Type.  When I created it originally, I didn't set it up as a key change index.  It failed.  I change the yes to a no, did a blddbdict, and no changes were picked up.  I tried deleting the index and starting all over.  I just do not seem to get the index fixed.  Is there a trick to this in
7 3957 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
5/4/2011 1:18 PM

Alternative to MKS AND LUU??    

Started By  Randall
Hi all, Are there alternatives to using MKS and LUU  I've seen in LACONFIG, it gives you options for either one.  However, I'm curious if something free like Cygwin could be used, or another type of UNIX emulator can be configured to run with Lawson I appreciate any thoughts. Thanks, Randall
0 3239 1
5/5/2011 1:47 PM


Started By  Angela Collins
Has anyone used ClearCase to load source code and manage customizations  I would be interested in your experience.
0 3313 0
5/5/2011 2:11 PM
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