Currently Lawson 10 - Windows/SQL My site currently has a VB Script monitoring the job queue using jqstatus -hrw The current monitor works, but we are hoping to get some additional functionality out of it and IPA/ProcessFlow is where we have decided to house the new setup.
I am trying to build a branch for any job in a 34-Needs Recovery status, which will then automatically recover that job. Thankfully the volume here is infriquent for recovery jobs and is typically an ED502 or RQ500 that recovers without issue, but we'd like to at least begin the recovery so that an analyst has a little more time to VPN in and check the run status of the job. I found the below SQL snippet, but I have only every used the QUEUEDJOB table to force close a couple "ghost" jobs that were actually closed, but stuck in a 0-Running status. I wasn't sure if forcing the status to 30-Waiting would cause a true recovery/initialization of the job, or if the job would just sit out in limbo and never actually run. I also wasn't sure if this would cause issues dependent on where the job went into needing recovery.
from I also considered using an AGS call, but I couldn't quite figure out the path and didn't see anything in the IPD transaction builder that was immediately recognizable.
Appreciate any and all assistance with this.
I have a Process Flow that checks Jobs and Recovers and Kills them (Invalid Parameters Staus jobs aren't going to recover).
I do it easily with SysCmd Nodes using the jqstatus -wr to get the Job List and then jqaction -r to recover a job and jqaction -k to kill a Job.
put < and > around the variables.
The WebRun node is setup like: Configuration name: Our Default Lawson App Server URL Type: Infor Lawson Web Program: lawson-ios/action/FUNCTION?jobName=JOBNAME&jobNumber=JOBNUMBER Post String: (Blank)