Have you tried running the script in a directory other than /lawson/lawprod/gen/cgi-bin?
ScriptAlias /ghs-cgi-bin/ "/lsf/gen/ghs-cgi-bin/"
Define the directory:NOTE: The below is surrounded by a Directory tag replace the ! with < and ? with >. Even with CODE tags around it, it was consumed. Hungry Browser.
AddHandler cgi-script .sh
/was/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl stop /was/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/apachectl start
mkdir /lsf/gen/ghs-cgi-bin mv $GENDIR/cgi-bin/ghs* $GENDIR/ghs-cgi-bin mv $GENDIR/cgi-bin/paycheck.date.format.sh $GENDIR/ghs-cgi-bin chmod 755 $GENDIR/ghs-cgi-bin $GENDIR/ghs-cgi-bin/*
Some of our scripts build webpages and hand them back to the calling page. Due to changes in new Apache(not sure exactly), edit scripts to insert blank line after "Content" line or as first line if content wasn't specified. Otherwise we get Internal Server Error 500, because the header must be separated from the actual text/html returned. ??? Also, creating our own CGI directory, the scripts are executed as nobody (group nobody). This caused some issues accessing data directories, etc. You can set Apache to run as a privileged user, but that seems more dangerous than opening permissions on a few directories. Bonus: In 9.0, we used ActiveXObject to call scripts, from portal web pages. Good in 9.0, IE 7 only world. Replaced these with XMLHttpRequest objects. I doubt this is the best way to do it, but our GO Live schedule didn't account for this vendor created speed bump... Hope this saves someone research time, Derek