Merry Christmas everyone! When adding a step to a job in jobdef there is a heading in the step definition called "Form ID". I know that in that column you can put a Lawson program name or a user defined token which may simply call a script.
I'm trying to write a query against the GEN DB that will display all of those script calls so they can be analyzed (specifically the directory paths where the script calls are mad). For example, say I have defined a job and under Step 1 I enter a token that I have defined which is nothing more than a unix script. If I press the F6 key, then "A" for Step Parameters, I see a screen that says "Add Form ID Command Parameters". The entry there would be something like "/lawson/law/scripts/printchecks.ksh". For the life of me I cannot find which table in the GEN DB that information ("/lawson/law/scripts/printchecks.ksh") is kept. Does anyone happen to know? Thanks!