We are being told by GSC that people who use paint screens in 9.0.1 need to be able to run IOSCacheRefresh by themselves. Since this utility is (if I understand things correctly) only available to those that are designated with PortalAdmin=Yes.
Is there a way a non-PortalAdmin can run this utility/servlet?
Thanks much,
You need to do an ioscache refresh to apply book mark changes made in ESS. It's a little tricky to do , but you can automate the refresh with an http call. I change certain bookmarks to display an "option not available" page during our payroll runs.
You need to script the http call something like this:
cscript //nologo iosref.js
where iosref.js has the xml code and passes encrypted credentials in the authentication string that is generated in base64. For some reason I had to issue the xmlopen.get twice for this to work - maybe it's pushing a CR or something to get the login to work in the backround.
sUser = "http://server.domain.com/sso/SSOServlet?_action=LOGIN&_ssoUser=lawsonadmin&_ssoPass=thepassword"; sUser2 = "http://server.domain.com/servlet/IOSCacheRefresh"; objServerXml = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP"); objServerXml.open("GET", sUser, false); Authentication = "bGF3xyzuYWR12346IUxhd456bg"; objServerXml.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Authentication); objServerXml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "Text/xml"); objServerXml.send(); var objXMLResponse = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); objXMLResponse.loadXML(objServerXml.responseText); WScript.Echo(objServerXml.responseText); objServerXml.open("GET", sUser2, false); Authentication = "bGF3xyzuYWR12346IUxhd456bg"; objServerXml.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + Authentication); objServerXml.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "Text/xml"); objServerXml.send(); var objXMLResponse = new ActiveXObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument"); objXMLResponse.loadXML(objServerXml.responseText); WScript.Echo(objServerXml.responseText);