Ok... just to give a little background information... and I'm sorry if it is long... I just don't want to leave anything out.
We currently have LDAP setup so our domain users can login to lawson. When a new user needs access we run a perl script that adds the user information into LDAP I guess (I didn't set that up, and the person who did has moved on).
Here is the perl script (runs like this... create-adusers.pl -u username) ######################################################### # CREATE-ADUSERS.PL must be ran using a domain account # # If not, getting the SID will fail # # CREATE-ADUSERS.PL will generate for each provided user# # a adamProxy entry and will import that file using # # ldifde ADAM command. # # $cfgfile must be populated correctly # #########################################################
my $cfgfile="adusers.cfg"; my $logfile="adusers.log";
###################################################### UTILITY FUNCTIONS ######################################################
sub fatal { my($errorStr,$die) =@_; print "\nError: $errorStr"; if ($die==1){ die; } }
sub deleteLogFile{ unlink($logfile); }
sub writelogFile{ my ($string) = @_; open LOGFILE, ">>$logfile" or fatal("Can't open $logfile - won't be used",0); print LOGFILE "$string\n"; close LOGFILE; }
sub startRedirectError{ open(STDERR, ">>$logfile") or fatal("no error redirection on $logfile",0); }
sub stopRedirectError{ close STDERR; }
sub loadcfg { my ($cfgfile,%hash) = @_;
open F, $cfgfile or fatal "Installation config file '$cfgfile' is missing.";
while () { chomp; next if /^#/; $hash{uc($1)} = $2 if (/^\s*([\S.]+?)\s*=[ \t]*(\S.*)/); } close F or fatal("Problem reading file '$cfgfile'.",1); return %hash; }
sub main() {
#ARGUMENT PARSING# if (@ARGV < 1 or $ARGV[0] eq "-h" or $ARGV[0] ne "-u"){ usage(); }
shift @ARGV; foreach $user (@ARGV) { push(@usernames,$user); next; } if (@usernames==0){ usage(); }
#CONFIG LOAD# %args = loadcfg($cfgfile); #DELETE PREVIOUS FILES# my $ldifoutput=$args{"LDIFOUTPUT"}; deleteLogFile(); unlink($ldifoutput);
#GENERATE LDIF FOR EACH USER# my $success = 0; foreach $username (@usernames) {
#GET THE SID FOR THE USER# $usersid=getSIDForUser($username); if (!$usersid){ print "Failed"; }else{ print "$usersid"; #GENERATE ONE USER FOR LDIF# addUserToLdif($username,$usersid,%args); $success = 1; } next; }
#RUN LDAP MODIFY# if ($success == 1){ runLdapModify(%args); }
sub usage() { my $usage="";
$usage="usage: $0 [-h] | [-u users] | [-f file]" ."\n-h : this (help) message" ."\n-u users : list of user names separated by a space" ."\n\nexample: $0 -u user1 user2 user3";
print STDERR $usage; exit;
sub addContainerToLdif { my (%args) = @_;
my $usercn = $args{"USERCN"}; my $dn = $args{"DN"}; my $ldifoutput=$args{"LDIFOUTPUT"};
#CREATES THE CORRESPONDING LDIF FILE# #my $ldifcontainerinput = "dn: cn=$usercn,$dn\n" #. "changetype: add\n" #. "objectclass: container\n" #. "objectclass: top\n" #. "cn: $usercn\n";
open OUTFILE, ">>$ldifoutput" or fatal("can't open $ldifoutput\n",1); print OUTFILE $ldifcontainerinput; close OUTFILE; }
sub addUserToLdif { my ($username,$usersid,%args) = @_; my $usercn = $args{"USERCN"}; my $dn = $args{"DN"}; my $ldifoutput=$args{"LDIFOUTPUT"};
my $ldifuserinput = "dn: cn=$username,$dn\n" . "changetype: add\n" . "objectSID: $usersid\n" . "objectclass: userProxy\n" . "cn: $username\n";
open OUTFILE, ">>$ldifoutput" or fatal("can't open $ldifoutput\n",1); print OUTFILE "\n$ldifuserinput"; close OUTFILE; }
sub runLdapModify { my (%args) = @_; my $adminname= $args{"ADMINNAME"}; my $admindomain=$args{"ADMINDOMAIN"}; my $adminpwd=$args{"ADMINPWD"}; my $ldaphost=$args{"LDAPHOST"}; my $ldapport=$args{"LDAPPORT"}; my $ldifoutput=$args{"LDIFOUTPUT"};
#MODIFY THE LDAP AND AD THE USER# print "\nRuns the ldifde command..."; my $ldapmodify_cmd="ldifde -b $adminname $admindomain $adminpwd -s $ldaphost -t $ldapport -i -k -f $ldifoutput";
writelogFile($ldapmodify_cmd); startRedirectError(); $ldapmodify_output=`$ldapmodify_cmd`; stopRedirectError(); writelogFile($ldapmodify_output); if ($ldapmodify_output =~ m/error/) { print "Failed"; fatal("ldapmodify failed - please check $logfile and generated $ldifoutput and run again.",1); }else { print "Success"; } }
sub getSIDForUser { my ($username,$usersid) = @_; my $usersid = ""; print "\nGets SID for user $username..."; my $getsid_cmd="dsquery user forestroot -samid $username | dsget user -sid";
writelogFile($getsid_cmd); startRedirectError(); $getsid_output=`$getsid_cmd`; stopRedirectError(); writelogFile($getsid_output);
if ($getsid_output =~ m/(S[-\d+]+)/) { $usersid= $1; }
return $usersid;
Ok, so it all works fine for our domain... here is where the wrench gets thrown into the mix. We have another part of our organization that has their own domain, but now we find out that they too need access to Lawson.
We already have a one way trust so that they can authenticate with things over here (ie: sharepoint). Is there any way to setup their users from their domain in LDAP? The only other solution I can think of is re-create all of their users in our domain and add them that way (pain in the you know what... not to mention all the extra CALs it would require).
Ok, so I could bind to the other domain's domain controller temporarily... create the user... and then switch the bind back to our domain retaining the other domain's user?
Reading that post you suggested it sounds like they wanted to switch to a different domain controller in the same domain... I need to pull in users from an entirely different domain.
We currently have a trust setup between the domains... shouldn't I be able to set it so that it queries both domains through our domain controller here?
Posted By Jimmy Chiu on 04/10/2009 08:11 PM I don't know if this matches your situation. subdomain1.domain.com subdomain2.domain.com subdomain3.domain.com They are all trusted domain. In my case, lawson is on subdomain1.domain.com In order for lawson to authenticate users from subdomain2 and subdomain3. I have to recreate the users in subdomain1 and put them in a OU in subdomain1 (remote sites) for example. The 30 days password expiration probably needs to be turned off, you don't want them to start calling you every 30 days.
Yeah that's what my bosses wanted to avoid. If we do it that way we have to purchase about 400 extra CALs.