We are on LSF9 w/LAUA & DB2. We are experiencing slower performance on both batch & MS Addins.
Batch: It appears our Payroll batch process is taking 20% longer.
ESS (Pay Checks): Users are receiving timeout errors when they try to access their Statement of Earnings (usually when the system is busy).
Addins: Even after rewriting our Addins queries, they are running longer (particularly those attempting to access HR type data).
I personally feel it is somehow related to HR Security and here is why:
1) I ran a simply Servlet/Router/Data call (the same call the MS Addins makes for a query) to pull back 6000 APVENMAST records -> ran in 5 seconds. 2) I ran an almost identical Data call to pull back 6000 EMPLOYEE records -> ran in 35 seconds. 3) I ran an almost identical Data call to pull back 6000 BNBEN records -> ran in 1:31.
I then turned off security & ran the BNBEN query again -> ran in 5 seconds. I then ran the BNBEN query using the old CGI/DME query with Security ON -> ran in 5 seconds.
Has anyone seen any performance issues running LSF9/LAUA/DB2? Does anyone have any performance tuning recommendations? Has anyone seen such poor performance on MS Addins?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Shawn
PS - We are on the latest patches of LSF9. We are running LSF9.0.3.1 MS Addins.
PS - Here is the BNBEN query I have been running which takes 1:31: /servlet/Router/Data/Erp?PROD=DEV02&FILE=BNBEN&INDEX=BNBSET1&KEY=100&FIELD=COMPANY;EMPLOYEE&OUT=CSV&DELIM=%09&NOHEADER=TRUE&NEXT=TRUE&MAX=6000