More info: The first step of a two step job runs a token assigned to a Windows command file that first runs a VB script, then calls loadrpts. The second job step runs PR530. When I force errors to occur, I notice that when loadrpts encounters an error, the job terminates. In this case, I removed a folder expected by the script, and a folder expected by loadrpts. When the script errors, the command file continues to execute after the script exits, but when loadrpts encounters an error, it terminates the job.
*** An errror occured while procssing HistCopy.vbs *** *E* Print file folder was not found. Exiting with error code 76 D:\lawdev\law\eugene\Vbs\histcopy.vbs(235, 4) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Path not found(Loadrpts invoked here) Loading from D:\lawdev\law/print/4JLSFDEV_hrisuser/AES001. . . Cannot Open Directory: D:\lawdev\law/print/4JLSFDEV_hrisuser/AES001 Elapsed Time . . . . . .: 00:00:00 ERROR: Stopped On Exit 1. Elapsed Time: 00:00:01 END: Job Ended: Sun Apr 14 06:55:31 2013