Forum: S3 Security

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Security Report Understanding Help    

Started By  Deleted User
I am a little new to Lawson and have some questions around reviewing Security Reports. I have the report showing all security classes, program codes, form IDs, Secured (YES/NO), Unsecured FCs, and Secured FCs. My understanding: If Secured = YES, then the user has no access to the functions in 'Unsecured FCs' and 'Secured FCs'. If Secured = NO, then the user has access to the functions in 'Unsecured FCs'. However, what about the Secured FCs If these are listed...
2 16207 2
by  Pepe81Jump to last post
11/21/2012 10:00 PM

LSF9 - Conditional rules    

Started By  ChrisW
Has anyone used 'subString' as part of an expression in a conditional rule  I'm trying to pull a portion of the Supervisor code to compare to a custom attribute, but it isn't working...
2 3861 0
by  macjellyJump to last post
1/9/2013 9:03 PM

Securing Print Manager by a Group Structure    

Started By  JackNoody
Has anyone out there used a group structure to secure the print manager (Gen Username element specifically) What we have is a hierarchy scenario when it comes to securing the job queues, and print manager. For Example: At the lowest level our facility can only see there own jobs/print files. Employees at Corporate can see their own jobs, and any facility that they are in charge of. There are also some other scenarios, but we will keep it simple for now. Our plan was to create a structur...
1 3905 0
by  layzer1Jump to last post
10/9/2012 9:03 PM

getdbfield syntax    

Started By  JackNoody
Can someone please reply with the correct syntax for the getdbfield function We are trying to get the process level from the employee table.  Here is what we are trying and it is not working on the EMDEPEND table: trim(getDBField('EMPLOYEE','PROCESS_LEVEL',table.COMPANY,table.EMPLOYEE))=='1'
2 4351 0
by  JackNoodyJump to last post
8/23/2012 8:12 PM

Lawson Security server ...    

Started By  Stuart Perkins
and I need to figure out what the Lawson Security server name is so I can login to the Security Administrator.  Yes, the information is that hard to find.  What '*.cfg' file can I look in to find the name to use on the login screen for the Security Administrator or RM Administrator
3 4490 0
by  Stuart PerkinsJump to last post
8/31/2012 4:21 PM

AP Vendor Class restriction    

Started By  Erika Resendiz
I am trying restrict end users from seeing certain Vendor Classes from APVENMAST. This is what I have: if (table.VEN_CLASS =='PO') then all access else No access. But i get an error 500 when I add this rule.  It's almost like it times out. The only way it works is if I have ...!='EMP' all acess else no access but then we are able to see all the other Vendor classes that Accounting wants hidden. This is set up on the RQFARSSFiles Security Class under the APVENMAST table.
1 4374 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
9/20/2012 8:06 PM

Drill around on Accounts in PR35 and others, not working    

Started By  Roger French
I've got LS9 Security turned on. Windows env, 2008, SQL, Env, Apps So I've got a security role where several screens are invoked which have the Accounts and Accounting unit on them, such as the PR35.1. Within the role is a security class with a rule which allows full access to all of the files required by PR35.1 drill arounds, such as EMPLOYEE, GLNAMES, etc. Within the security class I've also got an element group rule: user.attributeContains('CompanyControl',lztrim(...
1 4690 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
9/5/2012 4:31 PM

List of Actioni in token/Forms    

Started By  New User
Hello Gurus, I am looking for a list consisting all Actions/Detail line actions for forms/tokens Example:- For Form HR03- Actions are Add, Change, Inquire, Page up, Page down and For same form HR03 for line detail there are Actions Add, Change, Delete similarly where i could get this list or something like Action information per forms Thanks in advance, Amogh
6926 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
9/27/2012 2:52 PM

PROCLEVEL vs ESS/MSS vs batch jobs    

Started By  Roy
We are on LSF and users on LS Security, but we've run into an issue in regards to PROCLEVEL and employee/manager security vs batch job security.  All our employees have at least ESS access to Lawson, about 1 in 6 employees have more than just ESS access (Requesters, Approvers, Procurement, HR, Payroll, etc.). Users are limited via ESS security to their own EMPLOYEE record process level via PROCLEVEL, and their own record via COMPEMP.  Managers have access to their employees records vi...
2 3846 0
by  RoyJump to last post
10/1/2012 9:19 PM

Are Unix User ID's stored any where in the GEN tables?    

Started By  Deleted User
Does anyone know if the Unix UID (numeric user ID) stored in the LSF Host etc/passwd file is referenced anywhere in the Lawson LAUA tables; example GEN tables  I can see the ID on LAUA record when I hit Define F6 and then Option B User Profile.  The Unix UID displays at the top Portion of the screen.  The field I am searching for is displayed as 'User ID' on the User Profile Screen.  I would like to know if that field is stored in any of the Lawson V9.0 GEN tables.
1 3897 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
10/25/2012 7:46 PM

Connecting to Security (ADAM) through SQL    

Started By  RickyY
Have any try connecting to LS9 Security (ADAM) through SQL Please share. Thanks. Neng
0 3593 0
11/1/2012 2:39 PM

securing ap20    

Started By  MattK
Where is the best place to limit the vendors a specific group of users can see when choosing a vendor on ap20.2
1 3433 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
11/29/2012 4:26 PM

LSF 9.01 and DSSO 10    

Started By  Themba
Hi Lawson Gurus, We currently have a Lawson backend server with LSF and Lawson apps on version 9.01. We have a separate SharePoint server with Workspace already installed. Workspace is not yet connected/integrated with the Lawson server. The S3 Workspace plugin installer requires DSP to be installed on the Workspace server. Using the DSP 10 installation files, we attempted to install DSSO and pointed it to the Lawson backend server as the 'Lawson Security server'. The DSSO installation ...
1 5098 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
11/30/2012 7:40 PM

MSS & LAUA - LSF    

Started By  jdever
I have a custom Lawson form that has a drop down select via a system key number.  This select should view all employees.  It works fine for HR super users (those with a UNIX identity tied to a security class). MSS users can only see his/her direct reports when they access the form.  MSS users do not have a UNIX identity and use the 'ONLINE' privledged identity tied to 'weblaw' in a LAUA secuirty class. How can I over-ride Lawson's 'my data security'  for this form We are LAUA. LSF ve...
4 4316 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
12/5/2012 6:03 PM

Config settings tables    

Started By  New User
Hi All, What i'am looking for is, if there are any tables where configuration settings are stored in any table My objective is to detect any changes made to Lawson configuration settings which will imact on process such as, Accounts Payable, Procurement etc. Example:-  1) changes made to any of the invoice verification tolerance limit attributes. Thanks,
4 4056 0
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
1/7/2013 9:57 PM

Removeing a role from a profile    

Started By  TBonney
Does anyone know of a safe way to remove a role from multiple user security profiles, without impacting anything else (other roles, groups or other settings) defined on those profiles We use loadusers.xml extensively in the creation and deletion of user profiles, using a handful of standard 'basic' profiles. However, we have a few obsolete roles that exist on numerous profiles. We'd like to get rid of these roles, but can not until they are no longer assigned to any user profiles. The pro...
1 3300 2
by  Ryan SpeightJump to last post
1/9/2013 3:24 PM

LAUA disappearing?    

Started By  Greg Moeller
Is LAUA disappearing with the upgrade to Infor 10 or will admins still be able to get to jobdef via LID. Is there a way to call jobdef (with all of the options) via Portal  Or is this one of the enhancements coming with Workspace We specifically need to be able to modify the load files and CSV File Attributes (option C from jobdef). Any help TIA, -Greg
8 4288 0
by  CindyWJump to last post
1/14/2013 3:39 PM

LSF9: Conditional Rules    

Started By  macjelly
I have a conditional security class rule on GL95 and GL293 that I do a SUBSTR function on either the Acct Unit or the Acct Unit List.  But when I leave one of these fields blank (which I have to), I get a Java/IOS error window that pops up.  I am trying to do a SUBSTR(form.field, 6,4) on both fields and doing an AttribContains to search attribute list for that substring. Does anyone know how to deal with empty/null form fields when using the SUBSTR function
4 3529 0
by  macjellyJump to last post
1/10/2013 7:09 PM

Lawson Security - HR11 FillDefaults    

Started By  BrianP
We use HR11 for New Hires and use FillDefaults functionality on the Assignment tab after keying in the Position number.  A Security violation message is displayed when attempting to use FillDefaults. Full access to HR and PA have been granted.  Has anyone seen this before  We currently use the same process in LAUA without any issues.
0 3513 0
1/14/2013 5:24 PM

AP90 Security    

Started By  Sandra Badini
I am trying to limit AP90 security to PO Vendors only.  I tried the following rule on the AP tables used by AP90 without success.  Has anyone tried to create this type of security rule before table.VENDOR == getDBField('POVENDOR','VENDOR',table.VENDOR_GROUP, table.VENDOR)
1 3612 0
by  GeorgetteJump to last post
2/19/2013 3:55 PM

Job Scheduler-user not in user list    

Started By  Deleted User
I have a user that contacted me today regarding a AP job that was stuck in waiting.  I logged in as Lawson went to the job schedule screen but wasn't able to find this user in the user name drop down.  What would cause a user not to show up in the list and how can I fix that
3 3494 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
1/23/2013 12:41 PM

LDAP Bind    

Started By  Mick
Hello, Looking for some direction on how to perfom an LDAP Bind. Pros Cons How long does this process take We are AIX 6.1 in test, MSP6 ADAM container. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
4 4947 0
by  Kwane McNealJump to last post
1/24/2013 7:14 PM

Finding drill around tables    

Started By  Ari
In order to secure tables used in drill arounds, we have to search the .or files to find the associated tables; has any come up with an easier method to find the tables associated with a drill around
5 5787 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
2/4/2013 2:10 PM


Started By  Mary Porter
How do you give a user AllowUserScript access in LAUA
0 3258 0
1/31/2013 6:00 PM

granting acess/Revoking acess on Lawson Forms - Automation    

Started By  Vijay S
Hello everyone, Is there a way to automate the process of granting access/revoking access to a lawson screens (LAUA). I have a requirement to automate  the process granting/revoking access to lawson forms for a particular user class.  I guess I need to access some table in GEN for the same. Can someone suggest or give a headstart. Thanks, Vijay
2 3406 0
by  Vijay SJump to last post
2/9/2013 7:09 AM
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