Forum: S3 Security

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Employee Self-Service under Lawson Security    

Started By  John Costa
Has anyone successfully implemented Employee Self-Service under Lawson Security I ask because I am running into headaches trying to set up the correct access to the tables and forms behind each link.  I've been using the technical documentation for the Employee and Manager Self-Service application but it really provides nothing more than a starting point. For example, for the ESS link 'Payment Modeling', the technical documentation indicates that I need to provide access to forms PR89.1 a...
12 12960 3
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/25/2011 4:55 PM

Report for Security Role on User Profile    

Started By  Deleted User
The Profile Report out of laua's F7 command doesn't provide a technically-friendly output to be able to identify all users who have the Security Role of Admin. Does anyone know the tables this information is stored in (LSF 9.0 - 8.1 security ) Short of Perl scripting the User Profile or an excel macro, I'm at a loss.
13 11076 3
by  Kwane McNealJump to last post
9/9/2011 1:10 AM

LSF9 - Lock Drill access    

Started By  Jose
I'm new to LSF9 and trying to figure out how to restrict user(s) from drilling on 'employee' and viewing of social security.
6 5289 0
by  Karen SheridanJump to last post
6/21/2011 2:23 PM

Windows NTFS app server security for a Unix-to-Windows conversion    

Started By  George
Hi. New to this LawsonGuru forum, newbie to Lawson (been around a long while doing Windows server admin). I am not a Unix admin. Our organization is converting from Unix/Oracle Lawson S3 (LSF v9.x) to Windows2008R2/MsSQLserver (LSF v9.x). Having some issues with proper NTFS security. Microsoft Subsystem for Unix Applications (Ms-SUA) is, of course, installed as a Windows Server role for our Lawson application server. Been reading up on mapping Unix to NTFS permissions. And as a Windows administ...
7 5274 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
6/24/2011 3:07 PM

Delete a Role in LSF9    

Started By  TBonney
Can a single role be deleted from multiple users in LSF9, without impacting any of the other roles, groups, etc. that are assigned to these users We have a role that was created and assigned to several hundred users previously. However, due to changes made since then, this role is now obsolete and unnecessary so we'd like to remove it from all users. However, we do not want any other changes to be made to these users. Any ideas Thank you.
8 4913 3
by  TBonneyJump to last post
6/2/2011 11:18 AM

Securing Identites    

Started By  Roger French
Good morning, Has anyone found a way to secure Service Identities in security administrator I'm setting up security for other sec admins and I haven't been able to find a way of security the identities. I've looked far and wide but nothing yet. Lawson is also saying it can't be done. Really  Ok, anyone have any ideas Thank you in advance, Roger
3 3346 0
by  Kwane McNealJump to last post
6/6/2011 1:01 PM

online only users    

Started By  Deleted User
I am trying to use the LSF security for a very simple class - The users will only be able to access one form.  I thought that I would not have to set up a UNIX account if the users were to use Portal only and only an online form, but so far no luck.  I get this that says 'portal cannot load because the profile service returned an error'.  ANy ideas where to start looking
4 5683 0
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
6/14/2011 3:33 PM

Autoprovision new Lawson Users    

Started By  Sarah
We are in the process of identify the best way to auto provision new users to Lawson LS Security, and deprovision roles when transfers/terminations occur.  We are ldap bound, and would like to utilize either PFI or an ldap provisioning tool (CA/FIM/etc). How have others resolved this issue  What tools did you use  Thanks!
6 5495 1
by  JeffRJump to last post
7/19/2011 8:56 PM

USERNAME change due to marriage ETC, in LSF9 Security to include LDAP    

Started By  Deleted User
How do I change the userid for a user who has married, divorced, etc
6 3465 1
by  Greg MoellerJump to last post
6/29/2011 5:52 PM

AR115 - EFT Files and Required Permissions    

Started By  Garth Gerwing
We are attempting to test the AR EFT process(s) - and are running into an issue whereby the EFT payment file(s) are being created - but are empty (0KB) where there should be data written. We setup the 3 required directories under productline\work\ - as the job required these be present before exeucting. Upon closer inspection of the job log - we noted a 'Security Violation' line being written. Anyone have any ideas as to what might be the issue here
7 3508 0
by  Garth GerwingJump to last post
6/22/2011 3:19 PM

DSSO Logout Redirect to Portal    

Started By  pianoman
We have DSSO setup for Lawson Budgeting and Planning.  When we hit the logout button in LBP it redirects us to the Portal Login Screen.  We would expect/like it to return to the LBP login screen instead.  Any ideas
0 5375 0
6/23/2011 5:54 PM

Calling RQ04 to match Accounting Unit    

Started By  RobertL
Anyone familiar with global function getidFromRequester I am trying to use the RQ Files Securable Type in Lawson Security Administrator to set up access rule calling RQ04 to match the ACCT-UNIT (Accounting Unit in RQ04 . Thanks.
0 3268 0
6/23/2011 7:14 PM

LSF9 Security on Add-ins    

Started By  jzetting
We are testing a new attribute in LSF9. It appears to be securing the correct records in the portal but when you run an add-in with that same username, the query shows all records and doesn't secure. What am I missing
2 3247 0
by  Roger FrenchJump to last post
6/29/2011 11:52 AM

Company Control    

Started By  KB
I am wondering if anyone has developed any Company Control security rules and would be willing to share an example of a rule that has been written using Company Control. Thx
3 4081 1
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
6/27/2011 11:47 AM

Lawson function to read table    

Started By  RobertL
I am trying to process the RQACCTU table with accounting unit records to match ICLOCATION table with requesting locations. I think a loop process is better than if/then/else to read and process the tables. Do you know any Lawson functiion that can work on this Thanks.
0 3927 0
6/27/2011 3:51 PM

ESS LS    

Started By  KB
We are troubleshooting our ESS LS rule and are having a problem with a DME call.  On the table we have tried to secure we have a conditional rule as follows... if(user.getEmployeeId()==table.EMPLOYEE)    'I,' else    'NO_ACCESS,' We are trying to lock the table down so they can only see their own data.  A DME call against this same data returns 0 results.  Shouldn't this rule work
2 3841 1
by  John HenleyJump to last post
7/6/2011 2:01 PM

Company Table Security    

Started By  KB
Trying to determine what the best way to do global table security.  Element rules appear to block access to another company from the screens but Add-in users can query other company data. Do I have to add company criteria in my table access rules Any assistance would be appreciated.
0 3492 0
7/12/2011 4:23 PM

Newbie to advanced security writing needing help!!    

Started By  Ronnie
Ok, This is probably my first official post on the forum, but I have run into something that is a little more in depth than my security skill level currently resides at. Here is the situation: We are using the new lawson RQC (requisition center...former RSS) and within the shopping area on the accounting tab there is a field with a drill around called 'Activity' I am told that this pulls its info from AC10. We are wanting to limit the drill around info to certain data for cert...
6 3681 1
by  RonnieJump to last post
7/20/2011 11:20 AM

Security to be setup to allow user to drill around in Asset Template in RSS    

Started By  Saurabh
Hi We are testing the Asset Module and the process of linking a Asset Template in the RSS. I have tried to setup security as much as i can think of but still when i click on the Drill Around in Asset Template in RSS i do not see any of the templates. The templates are not setup compamny specific - so should be availaible to all users have attached screenshot of what i have given with respect to security - can anyone help to point the missing setup thanks Saurabh
0 3355 0
7/14/2011 1:01 PM

Looking to create users using SSIS and DirectoryServices (VB)    

Started By  EBassett
Has anyone successfully used SSIS and DirectoryServices (VB) to create user accounts I have written similar code to create users in Active Directory, but I get errors when doing the same for Lawson Users. I can modify existing Lawson users but get an error when doing the add. The error is thrown on the newUser.CommitChanges() command. it is COMException (0x80072035) which when I look into states is because the password is not set, but if I try to set password first it throws a different e...
7120 1
by  EBassettJump to last post
7/26/2011 2:35 PM


Started By  Jose
Does anyone know how to restrict users from being able to view other users other than those defined in the usergroup from accessing jobschedule and printmanager. Ex..if you are in HR, you should only be able to view users within HR when selecting from the dropdown within jobschedule or printmanager.
0 3647 0
7/15/2011 4:50 PM

Laua: Security Class    

Started By  LF
I a new to LAUA security.  Does anyone know how to compare to diffenent security classess and show the difference between the two besides doing the tknscrpt
3 4668 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
9/8/2011 12:03 AM

You cannot transfer directly to this form error - any ideas?    

Started By  CindyW
We use LAUA, and just upgraded from 8.0.3 apps to (env is now, and so far we've had very few issues.  However, I am unable to resolve one issue.  I have a security class that has limited access to just a few screens.  We have a problem that where the users in this class alone, are unable to access the PA16 form. When they do, they get this message:  PA16.1: You cannot transfer directly to this form... Every other class that has access to PA16 (and there are many) does n...
1 4025 0
by  Jimmy ChiuJump to last post
8/9/2011 12:15 PM

Security - Schema/Table    

Started By  Jose
Hello, I would like to know if anyone knows the schema/table for Lawson Security Group nad Roles.
2 5382 0
by  John HenleyJump to last post
8/24/2011 4:01 PM

MSS Rule on Employee table    

Started By  msjmg111
We are working on writing rules for the Direct Reports link in MSS.  We've had ESS in for some time and my rule writing is a bit rusty, so I would appreciate any help with MSS.  I loaded the MSS delivered template and the rule for the Employee table  - if(user.isSupervisorOf(getIdFromEmpNbr(lztrim(table.COMPANY),lztrim(table.EMPLOYEE))))'ALL_ACCESS';else'NO_ACCESS'.  When I try to access one of my direct reports I get an error retrieving database records.  The rule seems straightforward so what ...
4 4963 1
by  msjmg111Jump to last post
9/7/2011 7:33 PM
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