I created a security class and use the element group(which was delivered by Lawson) to control data security globally for all forms and files from Roles assgined to the user. It is like this:
PrimaryDataControl Class:
Element groups - PROCLEVEL (Lawson delivered)
if(user.attributeContains('PrimaryLevel',PROCESS_LEVEL)) 'ALL_ACCESS,' else if(user.attributeContains('PrimaryLevel',subString(PROCESS_LEVEL,0,3))) 'ALL_ACCESS,' else 'NO_ACCESS,'
(--> 'PrimaryLevel' is the attribute that I created in the Lawson security console, so I can enter user's process levels. ) This class works globally to all the foms and files that was assigned to the user.
The problem I have is I want to define an element group to secure HR11 by Department, instead of Process Level, but the element group I created didn't work at all, it didn't secure anything. Even I create an exactly one like Lawson delivered, it still doesn't take effect.
Do I miss any concept here? Thanks for your help.
Programs of type 730-HR-FIELD-SECURITY do not use element group. Can't use element group to secure HR11. To secure HR11, I would use HR security, SEC_LVL in combination with condition rules.
You can use PROCLEVEL to secure some part of the HR11 that's not 730-HR-FIELD-SECURITY. As matter of fact, i would recommend using both PROCLEVEL and HREMP to secuire your HR11 fields. Your original problem is to secure it by department. Maybe you can populate the department to SEC_LOCATION in HR11. then use the lawson delivered HREMP element groups to secure the SEC_LOCATION (which is your department code). There is a "next/previous" bug in LS that I have an open case with lawson. The workaround is to drill around and inquire on an employee first, then next/previous works when you use HREMP/PROCLEVEL combo to secure HR11 data.
Also, there's a builtin "ProcessLevelControl" RM object you can use to restrict user's processlevel access.
IE: PROCLEVEL: you populate user's with "ProcessLevelControl" 100, 200, 300 etc
if(user.attributeContains('CompanyControl',lztrim(COMPANY))&&user.attributeContains('ProcessLevelControl',PROCESS_LEVEL)&&SystemCode=='HR') 'I,' else 'NO_ACCESS,'
This would give the user processlevel 100,200,300 (I also use CompanyControl RM object since we have multiple companies.)
if(lztrim(SEC_LEVEL)=='9'&&(lztrim(SEC_LOCATION)=='9999999999'||lztrim(SEC_LOCATION)=='700')&&SystemCode=='HR') 'I,' else 'NO_ACCESS,'
Based on the work tab SEC_LVL and SEC_LOCATION of the HR employee to verify access
in the end, you can use these 2 element groups to restrict access to the
if(isElementGrpAccessible('HREMP','','HR',lztrim(table.SEC_LOCATION),lztrim(table.SEC_LVL))&&isElementGrpAccessible('PROCLEVEL','','HR',lztrim(table.COMPANY),table.PROCESS_LEVEL)) 'I,' else 'NO_ACCESS,'
and file.EMPLOYEE
I would also recommend to refine the data item SEC_LEVEL in HR10.1. Then you can further defines who gets to see what or change what by data item. I know I would not want those social security numbers printed or see by everyone who has HR11 access.