I am unable to see most of fields on HR11.1. Either on LAUA or New Lawson security. I can drill around employees data but can NOT see most of fields on the screen. Is there any place to secure the HR11.1? I also looked for HR12.1 but it doesn't change anything even I set to level 1 and location is all asterisk(*).
HR09 is for data item security and HR12 is for record security. But it seems to me HR12 didn't take effect... or somewhere overide the HR12?
I maybe wrong... but here is the explaination: When you define level and location in HR11, HR12, it puts a requirement parameter on that ONE employee record. Here is the scenario: User 123 accesses HR11 User 123 has security level 5 defined in HR09 User 123 accesses HR11 to inquire Employee XYZ with level 9 and location 9999999999 (access granted) User 123 accesses HR11 to inquire Employee ABC with level 1 and location 9999999999 (access denied)
HR09 defines user security level and HR11 defines record security level. If user security level is smaller than record security level. Then the user will be able to inquire on that record.