In S3, can FC codes be limited?

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Posts: 5
    Hi, thank you for reading.

    If i have a function code and I want to only allow say Change and Delete but not back out (as in the case of AC45.1) can I restrict to that level? I've tried specifying it when creating the rule, at the unconditional access and am not having any luck.

    Is it pretty much you either have access to it or you don't?

    Thanks again
    Jimmy Chiu
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 641
    Veteran Member
      In portal, bring up AC45.1, when you do a ctrl-shift-o in the FC field, you will see ".... PARENT=DT0....."

      Now go to security administrator. Add a rules to the security class that you want to restrict for AC45.1, expand DT0, checkbox LINE-FC, create unconditional access for action, C,D,I (change, delete, inquiry, but not backout which is (B)), hit apply.

      That should do it on your next server cache refresh.