ISS and email addresses

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    We've recently upgraded from LAUA to Lawson Security, and we're processing our new users via the loadusers utility and then syncing them.  For the most part, this is going very well (thankfully!)--but it's not syncing the email address to LTM, though it's there in ISS and syncs to LSA.  I thought/hoped it would update LTM as well, since that's where we really need it.  (It does update the roles and other information, just not the email address.)  Is this normal?  Does anyone know how to force it to update LTM? 
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 510
    Veteran Member
      My understanding is it does not update LTM with the email address. Although I have not done it you would probably have to use Spread Sheet Designer to perform this function.
      Basic Member
      Posts: 5
      Basic Member
        Ok, thank you.
        Peter O
        Veteran Member
        Posts: 69
        Veteran Member
          It should be updating the email address in LTM - what version ISS are you on?