LAUA and Merge

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Greg Moeller
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Anyone have a quick/easy way to merge 2 existing LAUA security classes together to come up with a brand new security class?

I can merge one with the other, but then it is left in the target security class which is still needed in it's unmerged state.

Anyone?  Thanks much!!!


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Greg, could you create a security class as a copy of security class A and then merge the copy with security class B?
Greg Moeller
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riegerj: I can't really do that, though can I? The secload utility seems to give it the same security class name as what the secdump utility creates in the dump file. Really looking for a way take security class A and merge it with security class B to create security class C - leaving both A and B in their original states. I can copy A to C, but then how do I get B merged ontop of that?
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Maybe I am oversimplifying it in my mind, but couldn't you copy security class A to security class C, do a secdump of security class C & B and then use the secload to merge C and B with the name of security class C being what you are left with?
Greg Moeller
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If I understand the way those utilities work, I'd have to first copy A to C, dump C... Then copy B to C overwritting what was there. Then I could use secload to merge the A (in the dump file now called C) into C again, but I can't seem to get that to work properly.