laua condition

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    According to Chapter 9 of the 8.1 laua security manual, a condition can accept up to 256 statements.  The manual also states that the maximum number of conditions per security class is 16,388.

    We are using 8.03 laua and defining element conditions using either acct unit or person resp fields from GLNAMES in the statements.

    In our version, the element condition will only allow 8 lines of conjunctions (i.e., acct unit = “9392” or acct unit = “6011”, etc.)  The condition automatically places quotes around the value, so even attempted to put multiple values on one line but it came out looking like acct unit = “”9392”, “6011””.

    A security violation on the drill around happens if the attempt is made to use 2 separate conditions with different acct unit values.

    Is there a limitation on the number of conditions that is extracting from the same file (in this example the GLNAMES)?

    There is one other element condition being used that extracts from the Vendor Master.  It works fine with one other condition that extracts from GLNAMES.  The drill around security violation occurs when the attempt is made to create more than one condition that extracts from GLNAMES.

    We have VPs that have several people reporting to them so this limitation is preventing the drill around to all of their direct reports.

    Does anyone know of a work around?

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.


    Veteran Member
    Posts: 52
    Veteran Member
      Found the solution. Inside the condition box, the navigation keys are the up/down and tab. Turns out you can use the Insert key to add more lines. The error message still appears, and you cannot scroll down to see all the entries. But at least it works!