Laua: Security Class

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New Member
Posts: 1
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    I a new to LAUA security.  Does anyone know how to compare to diffenent security classess and show the difference between the two besides doing the tknscrpt? 
    David Williams
    Veteran Member
    Posts: 1127
    Veteran Member
      You might be able to run secrpt (?) and bring that into a database to compare using queries. A good tool for converting a flat file into a database file is Monarch.
      David Williams
      John Henley
      Posts: 3353
        I am about ready to release a security tool/examiner that, among other things, will include some reporting of LAUA classes. Is the comparison/difference between two (or more) classes a useful feature? Would you be interested in being a beta?
        Thanks for using the forums!
        John Henley
        Posts: 3353
          Posted By John Henley on 07/26/2011 07:06 AM
          I am about ready to release a security tool/examiner that, among other things, will include some reporting of LAUA classes. Is the comparison/difference between two (or more) classes a useful feature? Would you be interested in being a beta?

          Thanks for using the forums!