I need to restrict a Security Class: "Volunteer" from accessing any Employee records in HR11 that do not belong to a particular Emp Status and/or Range of Employee Numbers. For Example:
Condition 1: When (([FIELD] Employee Status = [VALUE]"ZX" And [FIELD]Employee Status = [VALUE] "ZC)) -OR- I've tried the range of Employee Numbers When ((Field [EMPLOYEE] > [VALUE] '810000' and Field [EMPLOYEE] < [VALUE] '840000')) It sort of works - with either condition EXCEPT that you can still Inquire, Next, Previous on Employee Records in HR11 that fall outside of those conditions. I.E, I can still see Employee # 359802 on the second condition (above) but cant drill on it, or select any Employee Numbers outside of this condition from the drop-box. What am I doing wrong?
Don't think I have ever done it the token way ... hmmm? You have an example by chance? Thanks Matt!
I can write these without being on LawsonSecurity? I can see where to apply conditions in LAUA to teh Data File and/or Field from the file, but not the actual form?