Lawson Security and LBI integration

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    Hello,  I am new to lawsonguru.  We have our users on LSF9 and Lawson Security.  We are implementing LBI and want to know if anyone has any ideas on how to make security maintenance in LBI less labor intensive.  I would like to use groups instead of individual user ids in LBI reports and LBI rights administration.  Any input will be most appreciated!!

    Joanna Bledsoe
    Lawson AC, AM, AP, FB, GL, MA, RW
    Elizabeth Ardito
    Advanced Member
    Posts: 34
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      We only have the Reporting Services portion of LBI (replacement of E-Broadcast) and have been using it since 2007.

      In LSF9 security all users who have access to LBI are in a group called lbiuser and the admins for LBI are in a group called lbiadmin.  Then we have groups setup for indivdiual report access (again within LSF9 security) for all reports except the RW100.  The groups are then assigned within LBI to the individual reports.   The RW100 report has to be run indiviudually for each accounting unit for that reason, we do not have groups setup but  just assign individuals. 

      To determine which accounting units/departments a user should have access to, we have setup user/group rights. 

      Unfortunately, Lawson doesn't have any upload options to complete setup.

      Either way, up front, it is a lot of work.

      Hope this helps!

      Elizabeth Ardito
      Systems Analyst
      Middlesex Health System
      Matthew Nye
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        Pardon me for butting in but I saw this topic out of the corner of my eye.

        There is an upload feature in Reporting Services for Rights Managemnt. The portion that is missing, which I guess is what Elizabeth is referring to, is that Lawson doesnt have a way to automatically generate the appropriate file based on your Lawson Security. What we have done to mitigate this is to use an ETL tool (SSIS, PFI, Oracle Packages, etc) to automate the creation of the file based off the Lawson Security. Once this is done you just have to maintain your Lawson security. There is one manual portion and thats the upload of the file. Lawson hasnt created an automation control in RS for this, but Im hoping to see this from a release in the near future.

        If any of my answers were helpful an endorsement on LinkedIn would be much appriciated!
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          Thank you for seeing this post out of the corner of you eye. I know about the rights upload because I'm using it this week to load my users and report assignments. We have all our users in Lawson Security. I've learned so far that the file will not load if user ID's are not created in Lawson security. We have 350 lbiusers and 7 accountants who will maintain the report rights. I was hoping to use the LBI security groups so that each of the 7 accountants would only update their user and report assignments. Anyone used this functionality? I'm grateful I found you guys - you have helped me already!!
          Greg Wiklund
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          Posts: 5
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            Only certain job codes are granted access to our LBI system. Then, we use custom groups which have the employee attached and assign those groups as users to the reports. That way, when we have turnover on our 4,000 users, my staff of two only has to make the change to the custom group.