We've been on the same LSF/Security version since May 2018. And, I tested and verified that the loaduser utility would over write the role and group data 6 months ago. Recently, I noticed that the utility is adding to existing data. As part of our user disable process, I want to blank out the role and group data. I set-up an empty role called disabled because the role wouldn't just blank. but the group would. Now neither is working.
Is anyone else doing this? Tips or tricks?
Jim Y - I would love to do what you are doing. We've used the loaduser utility since v9 and I just haven't had the time to create the flow/test/etc. So, I keep limping along with a mostly manual process. Would you mind sharing your flow?
I have attached the flow. I had to change the extension to a ".txt" to attach is so you will need to change it back to ".lpd". I run it on the LTM side. I have removed any email addresses and also login information. The List Based Sync is a schedule task, because at the time I created this our version of IPA could not run it. Let me know if you have any questions.
Powershell script to kick off sync
if (test-path D:\Data\SyncFile\Sync_File.xml) { D:\lawprod\gen\bin\ssoconfig_sync.bat move-item "D:\Data\SyncFile\Sync_File.xml" ("D:\Data\SyncFile\Sync_File_{0:yyyyMMdd_hhmmss}.xml" -f (get-date)) } else {echo "File does not exist"}
Bat file executed by the powershell script.
Set Environment Variables Here D:\lawprod\gen\bin\ssoconfig -S D:\Data\SyncFile\Sync_File.xml
Thanks so much. We have the same issue with terms being back dates months later.
I appreciate you sharing the flow.