Good day, all.
I have been browsing and searching and here for two days looking for a simple answer to question for my auditors. We are on LSF9, using LS security, and our auditors hate the reporting functionality that comes with LS Administrator.
They would like a smart note or bursted report to come out every day with changes made to users' roles and classes. Our security implementation is in its toddler stages, so there are still quite a few kinks and SOD issues that I am resolving; but they want to see the changes to check my documentation. We do have LBI, Crystal Embedded XI(and a Bus Obj server that supports a different system but at my disposal), OLE DB, and MS Addins. Which tables should I look for that will give me:
If what I am asking is impossible, please feel free to share that too so I can tell them to scrap this project .
Thanks in advance!
You will need to go against your LDAP for the information you are listing. None of the traditional DB utilities you listed will work for this.
Yes, I can access the data using JXplorer, but I (the auditors, more specifically) would like an automated process to do this.
We are using the audit logging functionality, but LS limits us to 39 users to audit and it is my understanding that running audit all the time can be detrimental. I will stick with your original answer: This is impossible (edited for content).
Thank you guys for the info!